Flu Vaccines in School
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child’s annual flu vaccination
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu.
Please click on the following link to complete the online consent form for your child(ren) Immunisation Consent (lincolnshireimmunisations.co.uk). Please complete at your earliest convenience as the online system for your school will be closed prior to our visit to allow for essential administration to take place.
You will need to enter the following code to ensure the completed form can be correctly allocated to your child’s school: EE120546
All schools will be visited on two occasions prior to the end of term in December. Should we not be able to vaccinate your child(ren) in school alternative arrangements will be made and communicated to you.
The vaccination is free and is a quick and simple spray up the nose. This vaccine is a yearly vaccine. All vaccinated children will be given a sticker.
For further information please follow this link to the School Aged Immunisation Service Flu page https://www.lincolnshirecommunityhealthservices.nhs.uk/our-services/childrens-services/immunisations/seasonal-flu-vaccination-programme
If you have any queries, please contact the School Aged Immunisation Service please contact the Immunisation team on: 01522 572950 (8.30am – 4.30pm Mon – Fri)
Yours sincerely,
Maria Turner
Professional Advisor for School Aged Immunisations
Lincolnshire Community Health Services
*If your child becomes wheezy or has their asthma medication increased after you complete the consent form, please contact the healthcare team on the above number.*
If you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu, please also complete the consent form giving the reason. This will help us plan and improve the service. For further information see: www.nhs.uk/child-flu