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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 1

So much is happening in 5C this term!


Most exciting of which is our visit to Leicester Space Centre! Letters for this have been sent out with all the information. We can't wait to share with you what we get up to on this day.



Race to Space

In History this term we are exploring the Race to Space and the significant events and achievements that led to the first man walking on the moon as well as the achievements which followed this.




In Science we are learning about forces and how they work including gravity, air resistance, water resistance and the effects they have on the movement of objects.




Our PSHE is going to be focusing on relationships and how to build healthy relationships, we will have a particular focus on creating and sustaining positive friendships.




We will be building on the children's prior R.E. learning from Y3/4 and developing their understanding of how Hindu's beliefs are reflected in their actions.



Listen & Appraise

Our focus in Music this term is to be able to recognise different instruments and instrument groups when listening to a piece of music. We will have the opportunity to listen to a range of pieces of music which will discuss and form opinions about using our musical knowledge and understanding.



Ma Famille

In French this term, as well as practising and securing our numbers, colours and weather from prior learning, we will also be learning about our families and how to describe who is in our family.




Our Design Technology will be all about building a secure structure and how we can use this understanding to design a moon buggy.




Mr Melson is going to be leading us in football and developing both our ball control skills and our ability to work together as a team. In fitness we are discovering what our bodies are capable of and developing our agility and stamina.

It has been wonderful to see the children return to their learning with enthusiasm and really positive attitudes, they have settled quickly into the daily routines and made new friends within the class. We are all looking forward to a wonderful year! 

Show and tell!


The children took the opportunity to show off their incredible space projects today, presenting in front of the class like professionals! Clear speaking and eye contact with the audience as their pride in their work shone - it was wonderful to see.

Friday 22nd October


Here they are - the moon buggies that have engaged the children’s fascination with space travel, and specifically everything to do with the moon, are finished!

After building the frame, using hacksaws and hot glue guns, they strengthened the structure using triangulation. Axles and wheels were added, then upon this base they made and attached some of the equipment that a moon buggy might be expected to carry. 

Thursday 14th October


We are very excited about designing and building our moon buggies! We discussed the features a moon buggy would need, then how to show a design on paper, including measurements. Measuring accurately and using tools safely were our foci after we designed the buggies.


Space projects - homework

So much hard work has gone into these projects! This afternoon, many children thrived speaking in front of the class, when given the chance to 'show and tell' about their projects. They have put so much effort into showing their understanding of the solar system and space in creative ways, it is a pleasure to see. 

Friday 8th October


In English, we are being journalists - the moon landing is an exciting event to be covering! Neil Armstrong gave us details via Morfo and we took notes as if we were at a press conference. Before starting to draft the article, we proved our understanding of the features of newspaper articles by putting a jumbled up one back into the right order. 

Friday 8th October


We continue with our work on Forces in Science, and this week we investigated air resistance. We designed our experiment in groups, then made three parachutes each, in order to conduct a fair test. Size of parachute was the variable. Our hypothesis was that the bigger the parachute, greater the air resistance, therefore the slower the parachute would fall. Once we had made the parachutes, we went outside to drop them from a height to measure the speed they each fell. Our hypothesis was proven to be correct, and everyone was able to explain why, using the key terms gravity and air resistance.

Friday 1st October


The day has finally arrived, we're off to the Space Centre! Excitement built up on the way there, on arrival we were struck with awe and wonder by the incredible sights inside. We explored all the areas in the museum: we found out all about the moon landing and saw a genuine piece of moon rock; we found out all about the planets in the solar system and what life as an astronaut is like. We loved the 3D film experience in the planetarium dome. We know everyone had a brilliant day as so many voices repeated, "This is the best trip ever!" and Julia summed it up when she said, "I love this! I'm learning so much and it's so much fun all at the same time!"

Thursday 30th September


Today is an investigation - did the moon landings really happen or was the whole event faked? The task was to identify and assess the sources, checking their reliability and relevance, before drawing a conclusion. We all justified our opinions about whether evidence was compelling or weak, and everyone came to the conclusion that the strong technical and scientific evidence points to the moon landings actually happening.

Tuesday 21st September


We began our DT journey by defining permanent and portable structures. We used the ipads to research European structures, determining their designers, and their purpose. We then contemplated the purpose of a moon buggy, as the first step towards designing one of our own.    

Tuesday 21st September



We are continuing to build up our fitness levels, this week focussing on stamina. We found it was hard work to keep exercising for longer periods of time, but were proud of ourselves for persevering and improving over the lesson.

Tuesday 14th September


We had lots of fun in PE as well as challenging our bodies. We did several repetitions of different exercises - everyone showed perseverance and determination as it was difficult to keep going when muscles were tired! 

PE Fitness

Monday 13th September


We enjoyed the delightful picture book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker together, and discussed the way this author uses colour to set the mood and tone for each scene, reflecting the emotions felt by the main character as she moves along on her journey. We then thought about which colours would reflect a range of emotions.

Wednesday 8th September


We began our very exciting Space Race journey today, analysing picture sources from the end of World War 2 up to the development of the ISS in 1998. First we created our own narratives for each picture, inferring what the event might be, then we arranged the events on a timeline.

Tuesday 7th September


We begin the term by reviewing sentence structure. Building simple sentences based on an intriguing image was our first step. By the end of the lesson, everyone was able to identify the subject, verb and object in a sentence.
