Term 6
Welcome back to what is always a busy and fun-packed term - it is summer! We have a sports trip to Tallington Lakes to look forward to, this will include tobogganing, rock wall climbing and orienteering. Sports day will follow shortly after this. At the end of term we have a special musical treat lined up too!
We will continue to explore how religious beliefs are expressed creatively, following our trip to the Stump to explore how Christians have expressed their beliefs through art locally over time.
We will work on our own family tree projects, using all of the vocabulary learned over the year. This will involve creating a tree, then writing a leaf for each member of our family, describing their physical appearance and their job.
Our lessons this term will be Handball on Thursdays and Cricket on Fridays. As usual, please ensure PE kits are in school every day (we do have to make changes to the timetable sometimes and occasionally an extra lesson is squeezed in - we don’t want anyone to miss out).
Another busy week in Year 5! On Tuesday we went to Witham Country Park to participate in an orienteering challenge. We were very keen to use our map reading skills and our competitive sides came out as we determined to be the quickest group to find the flags and return to the start point first. It was a beautiful day to explore the park and everyone enjoyed the morning. Thank you Mr Haslam!

Friday 7th July
We are taking pride in crafting beautiful sentences, as shown in these examples - thoughtful choices for vocabulary and varying sentence structure to engage readers.

Friday 30th June
Skipping challenge
Thank you to everyone who has sponsored us to take part in the skipping challenge, we all want to support the Save the Wild Isles charity!
We all participated in a skipping challenge, which involved three different styles of skipping- long rope, freestyle and as-many-jumps-as-possible-in-2-minutes.

Archbishop of York - Young Leaders Award
Archie will continue to challenge our thinking and develop our leadership skills this term. Charity is a focus and an exciting community project is coming up!
This week we took part in a challenge showing us the difference between wanting and needing. We had to work in ‘families’ to produce as many paper bags as possible in a short time, then sell these to the shopkeeper. We then calculated how many rupees we would be able to make per week, versus how much we needed to pay just for rent and food. We all had a shock when we realised that even with all of us working ten hour days, seven days a week, we could not afford the basics to survive.

We are all now super speedy and confident in identifying coordinates after a practical session challenging each other to races to locate these first.

Friday 18th June
Tallington Lakes
What an exciting sports trip! We were delighted to experience three exciting sports over the day: orienteering, tobogganing and rock climbing. We used the skills we have practised at school for orienteering, which helped us to navigate and find the flags. Quiz questions about different countries kept our brains busy at the same time as we ran to be the quickest. It was a beautiful warm day to be outdoors! Tobogganing was so much fun - we loved the sensation of sliding down the hill, and the cold mist we sailed through on the slope was heavenly. Rock wall climbing gave us the opportunity to challenge ourselves and overcome nerves. We were all able to climb a little higher than we thought we could; some brave souls even made it all the way to the summit!

Sports Day
A beautiful bright day dawned for Sports Day; all four houses sat on the field in the sun ready to show their sportsmanship and do their best for their teams. Everyone had fun competing and cheering on their friends. Congratulations to the winning team, and well done to everyone taking part.