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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Term 3

A busy term ahead and one where the children will be able to practise and rehearse their learning across the curriculum. Trips to the theatre, church and ____ will be happening too. 


In Maths this term we embed our knowledge of place value to 50 adding, taking away and measuring length and mass.


In English, we will continue to understand how capital letters and full stops are used through the writing of instructions and writing simple stories based around Look up, Ravi's Roar and Little Red Riding Hood.


Geography -  How is our town special?

Art -  Why is line important?

Religious Education - What do Muslims believe Allah is like?

PSHE - Is everyone special?

Computing - Are instructions important?

Science - Are we all the same or different?

PSHE - Understanding what healthy living is

The children began their unit of work by reading the following book. 


They then discussed what they already do and what else may be useful to improve on. Lots of discussion was had about this.

PE - Dance

In Dance, the children have discovered how their bodies can move at different levels to make their dance interesting. We explored being the weather and used the music to help keep in time too. We incorporated the chilly weather that God provided this week too by completing some outside.

English - Speeches Week

The children learnt how to use pictures and word prompts to make and memorise a speech all about helping the bugs during winter. They were then performed in front of each other for an audience. Impressive volume and content.





Maths - understanding the value of numbers

In Maths this week, the children have ordered and shown the value of numbers with counters and cubes and then showed ways to make 10 using three different numbers. A secure understanding was demonstrated.







Art - first attempt at line drawings

After exploring the work of artists Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso and David Shrigley, the children were able to use a sketching pencil to draw the animals. They noticed that the lines were different for each artist and some had more detail than others. Many children received Head Teacher's stickers for such incredible work.





Computing - Retrieval of Bee-Bots

Year One, looked at the robots and recalled their understanding and knowledge from having explored them in Reception. The children understood that they required commands to make them move.




Guided Reading

Wow what a great start with such a brilliant book. The children had their first session Guided reading session and following the techniques of modelled, echo, choral and partner reading, they were all reading the text enthusiastically. They progressed to responding to questions too.





English - ordering instructions

Children have been learning to how to write instructions for building a bug house building upon the work from Speeches Week. The children have looking at the language of instructions and how they can be be put in a certain order. Working together the children have then been able to order the set.


