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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 6




In Maths this term we will be continuing with time, looking at angles, symmetry and translation on grids.



In History this term, we will be investigating the work of Howard Carter and his discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings, as well as archaeologists understand what life was like in Ancient Egypt.

In Geography this term, we will be focusing on how the Nile was so important to the Egyptian settlements and the way they lived.

In Design Technology, we will be focusing on the importance of understanding where our food comes from as well as the preparation and preserving of our foods.  We will be testing different healthy snack bars then using the Eatwell Plate as a guide to help us to design and make our own healthy snack bars.

In French, we will be discussing how to say different breakfast items in French and having conversations about what we like and dislike.

In Religious Education, we are continuing our work on Pilgrimages with a different focus, looking at the environmental impact that it has on the world.

In Science this term, we will continue to be working on answering our question from term 5 with the focus on how impacts are changing our world, how we can help prevent loss of homes and habitats, as well as looking at David Attenborough. 

This term we will be continuing our work looking at digital footprints, as well as how to budget money and the different ways we can pay for things.

One of our final topics in Physical Education is Rounders, where we will be focusing on coordination when hitting and catching, applying this to games situations.
