Term 5
Today, we continued our learning in Orienteering by using a map of our school grounds. We then walked around the school grounds and then finding our location on the map. After that, Mr Shortland allowed us to walk around the school grounds with a partner. Partner A navigated partner B to a location and then partner B had to find the location on the map before swapping roles.
French - Weather
This term in French, we are exploring how to say different types of weather. In todays lesson, we were asking our friends what the weather was like in French towns and cities. Then we had to use the information given to locate that French town or city. Tres bien Hope Class!
This week in Science, we have been looking at food chains and exploring the vocabulary producer, consumer and energy. We worked in groups at the different ways a food chain can be made.
Guided Reading - using a thesaurus
Today in Guided Reading, we used a thesaurus to help us find synonyms of vocabulary that was used in our poem. We were amazed to see so many different words that have the same meaning to the vocabulary. For example, another word for bobbing can be oscillating! Super research Hope Class!
PSHE - Community
Today in PSHE, we discussed about what makes a community and all the different groups within a community. The task today was to design a community making sure that there is something for everyone. Whether that is a school, bank, park, brownies and shops. We worked in partners to design our own community.
RE - Pilgrimage
We were very lucky to welcome Reverend Jane into school today to talk to us about pilgrimages and why they are significant to some religions. She spoke to us about her pilgrimages she has been on and what it meant to her. She then announced our exciting trip to Walsingham next term. We can’t wait!
We were very excited to take part in a Booknic today where we went outside to read with our friends. We read books that interested us on picnic mats, chairs and benches. It was a great opportunity to just stop and read with our friends.
This term, one of our PE units is orienteering. We are very excited to be using an orienteering scheme that has been specially made for St Thomas’. In our 1st PE lesson, we were running in a relay race to memorise map sections. We then had to work as a team to piece together a map to then work out that the map was the school.