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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Term 3
''Can anyone be a hero?'' 

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed time with your families. We are very excited to see the children continue to progress with their learning and take part in lots of exciting opportunities. This term the children will explore superheroes and think more about superheroes that we have within our community, looking at different professions and job roles. We will be reading texts that have superhero like characters in them such as 'Supertato' and 'George and the dragon'.

. They children will continue to explore numbers to 5 but focus on the composition of numbers and also explore weight and capacity. Throughout our Understanding of the World learning, the children will begin to identify places in the community that are special to them and others, this will include visiting our local church and meeting our Reverend. PE lessons will take place every Friday and all children should have both an indoor and outdoor PE kit, this is so the children are able to keep warm throughout the winter weather. 

Supertato and the evil pea have sparked some interest this week for Joy class. The children have been acting out the story using real vegetables, using their fine motor skills to cut and decorate a potato and counting peas to and from containers. 


We have been talking about 'People that help us' within the community and thinking about the jobs we might like to do when we are older.

Our PE learning is all about Gymnastics this term. Our first session we imagined we were in the story 'Jack and the beanstalk'. We were able to make different shapes with our bodies and use balance using different parts of our bodies. We started small like a bean and grew big like the beanstalk. 


Expressive arts and design
The children have been exploring the season Winter and looking at the types of weather that comes with it. From this Joy class have used water colours and salt to make a wintery effect as the background. The children were able to talk about 'blue' being a 'cold' colour.
