Term 2
We hope you had a lovely half term with your families and friends. This is a very exciting term with the lead up to Christmas, the children have so many nice art activities planned which we are sure they will love to show you at Christmas time. Along with this we shall be looking at the following texts: Gingerbread Man, Handa's Surprise and How the Grinch stole Christmas. In Maths we shall be continuing to work on our addition and subtraction skills.
In maths this week the children have been learning how to add numbers across ten. They have used their number bonds knowledge to count on to the next ten and then counted the extra ones.
In PE this week, we started our yoga sessions. We then under the ocean and practised different yoga poses including the dolphin, turtle, starfish and boat. We found out the importance of breathing and tensing our muscles to help us to balance.
Design Technology
In Design Technology this week we looked at a range of vegetables. We used our senses to describe their appearance, smell and texture. We then talked about the different parts of the fruit and vegetable we eat and sorted them into flower, stem and root. This is in preparation for us to design and make our own healthy soup.
Poppy Wreath!
This week, the children made their own pin wheel poppy. These are going to be put together to create our own poppy wreath ready for Remembrance Day.
Attendance Winners!
The children won the trophy for the best attendance this week. Well done 2F!
Road Safety!
This week was Road Safety Week. The children found out about how to to safe on the roads and how to cross a road safely. The children then applied their knowledge by practising how to cross a road safely.
Design Technology!
In DT this week, the children found out about how to use equipment and utensils safely. They practised chopping, peeling and grating. This is in preparation for designing and making their own healthy soup.
Children in Need!
The children dressed up to raise money for Children in Need. They brought in 1p and 2p coins to make our very own giant Pudsey.
Handa's Surprise!
In English we are looking at the story Handa's Surprise. The children tasted the fruit from the story and came up with amazing adjectives to describe. They will be using these adjectives when writing their own story.
The children visited the school library tis week. They loved choosing different books and reading them with a friend. The children loved the books so much that they took some back to read in the classroom.
This week the children have been learning how to subtract 2 digit numbers. We used practical equipment to help us to take away the ones and then the tens. The children then moved on to making pictorial representations.
The children were very lucky this week to receive a visit from Animals UK. They found out about different animals such as snakes, spiders, foxes and owls. The children were incredibly brave and excited to handle the different animals.