Term 5
Welcome back to Term 5!
Welcome back to the Summer Term. I hope you have had a wonderful Easter break and are refreshed ready for an action-packed term.
I am really pleased with how the children in Tolerance class have returned to school. They are eager and excited for their learning this term.
Check out our amazing learning below.
Tallington Lakes
Wow! What an awesome trip we have had this week.
The children had a great time at Tallington Lakes.
They took part in Tobogganing, Rock Climbing and Orienteering.
I am incredibly proud of the children and how they showed great resilience and teamwork.
They encouraged each other through all activities, cheering each other on.
They were superstars and fantastic role models to the school.
Well done Tolerance Class!
The children had an amazing week completing their Level 1 and 2 Bikeability course.
The children learnt how to check that they were safe and ready to ride their bikes, as well as learning the steps needed to check that their bike was safe and road worthy.
The first day they completed set exercises and movements in the playground, whilst gaining confidence with signalling and looking behind them, whilst moving.
For the rest of the week, they then went out onto the road and practiced all their new learning (signalling to stop, turning left and right from a major to a minor, turning left and right from a minor to a major road and riding in pairs in a snake formation).
The children did incredibly well and I am very proud of their achievements.
Well done Tolerance class!
Big Question: How does the cycle of life differ for all living things?
This term, we will be learning the names of different mammals and identifying different stages in their life cycle. We will compare the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects, and birds. Within this term, we will also explore the different plants and their parts and how plants reproduce.
In Science this week, we have learnt that the life cycle of a living things is a series of stages of development starting with a fertilised egg in animals and a seed in many plants.
Lifecyle of a Butterfly

Big Question: How can drawing become aspirational?
This term is Art, we will be critically analysing our artist: E.H. Shepard and how he created his work. We will be mastering the techniques of drawing and using a range of materials.
This week in Art, we have explored the illustrator: E.H. Shephard. We critically analysed the artist and his work through exploring his style in our sketchbooks. Check out our explorations below.
Artist pages and experimenting with drawing techniques
Big Question: Does your world view make you creative?
This term in RE, we are exploring different world views and how both religious and non-religious people express creativity through a variety of means. We will look at how it shows emotion, knowledge and meaning.
This week in RE, we have examined art as a form of communication between humans. We explored different types of art over the years, from cave paintings to modern art. Check out our double page spreads on different art forms and their purpose and relation to religion. Great work Tolerance Class.
Expression Through Art

Big Question: Are stereotypes always negative?
This term in PSHE, we will be exploring how to protect the environment and what compassion for towards others looks like. We will identify how information online is targeted, explore the different types of media, their role and impact.
This week in PSHE, we have explored how money, and resources are allocated in a local community and considered the impact of this on different communities and on individuals. We investigated different scenarios and discussed our thoughts. We made our decisions based on evidence.
Online Safety Session
We had a great session today with our visitor Jan, from the Stay Safe Partnership team.
She spoke to us about how we can keep ourselves safe online, and how to spot a Catfish.
Mini-First Aid Session
The children had a great time on their Mini-First Aid course.
They learnt about how to get help and what information to give them on the phone.
The children learnt how to help someone who is hurt, how to put them into the recovery position and how to perform chest compressions.
We had a great time training on the manikins.
Well done Tolerance class!
Big Question: How has the legacy of the Greeks impacted the modern world?
This term in History, we will be relating modern day values such as democracy to their roots in an ancient civilisation, exploring the role of the Olympics within this civilisation (also making connections to aspects of our own lives). We will appreciate the spread of the empire through Alexander the Great’s actions (comparing/contrasting this to the Roman empire).
This week in History, we have understood aspects of Greek life. We know where Greece is now and that its territory was different as Ancient Greece. The period we are focusing on is between 800- 146BC (when the Romans took over). We defined civilisation as an organised society and then predicted what similarities (religion, beliefs, gods) there might be based on our previous learning about Ancient Egypt and Rome.
History Timelines and Olympic Pottery

Big Question: Quelle est votre profession?
This term in French, we will be exploring professions. Engaging in conversation; including asking and answering questions. We will be able to confidently talk and write about professions.
This week in French, we have understood the vocabulary relating to professions.
Big Question: What is our desired impact?
This term in Music, we will be retrieving our knowledge of singing in a round from Year 4. We will be able to sing in clear parts and understand the importance of dictation when singing. We will know how to create clear emotion through our voices and know how to follow a conductor in an ensemble performance.
In music this week, we learnt how to sing in a three-part round. We broke the song down into chunks, practised and built it up slowly. Well done Tolerance Class you sounded amazing.
PE: Athletics
Big Question: How does competing improve your mental health?
This term in PE will be Athletics, we will apply fluency and coordination when running for speed in relay changeovers. We will be able to effectively apply speeds appropriate for the events. By developing power, control and consistency we can create an affective jump. We will end the term by developing our technique and power in javelin and shot put.
PE: Orienteering
Big Question: What is the goal: teamwork or reaching the destination?
This term in PE will be Orienteering, we will explore tactical planning within a team to overcome increasingly challenging tasks. We will develop navigational skills and map reading in increasingly challenging tasks including map orientation. By exploring a variety of communication methods with increasing success and reflecting on when we were successful at solving challenges; we can then alter our methods in order to improve.