Term 4
Welcome back, we hope you have had a wonderful half-term break!
This term will be busy with exciting learning opportunities. World Book Day is on 2nd March, please dress up as a character from a book! However, there is no need to spend money on a costume, jeans and a t-shirt enable you to be your choice of many characters.
Year 5 will go to visit a mandir in March, we are fortunate to be invited into a Hindu house of worship and look forward to hearing about their beliefs.
Wednesday 29th March
Year 5 had their final lesson today - they have absolutely thrived over the last term, showing so much progression every week and can be very proud of their improvement.

Monday 27th March
There was a great deal of excitement when the ingredients for bread were spotted in the classroom. Having designed their own bread product last lesson, everyone was ready to create their masterpiece. First everyone weighed the ingredients and mixed them in groups. After that, the kneading started, many were surprised by how much kneading the dough required. It was left to prove for an hour, and doubled in size, which we knew was due to the yeast.
Everyone collected the ingredients they had included in their design and added them to their ball of dough, then after more kneading, added these and shaped their product.
After cooking, the fun part - evaluating started! Everyone considered the appearance, smell and texture of their product and finally - the part everyone had been waiting for - the taste.
So many children were excited about Bikeability this week! The instructors showed everyone how to check their bikes before riding around in the playground to check balance and confidence. Riding on the road was the next step, several children were nervous of traffic to start with. It was wonderful to see everyone’s confidence grow so much over the four days - by the end of their training, all were confidently cycling and applying their skills as road users.
Friday 17th March
Mandir visit
We were privileged to visit the Hindu community centre, which includes the mandir. Thank you to our wonderfully welcoming hosts, who explained many Hindu beliefs and showed us around the mandir. To be allowed to watch a baby receive blessings was an honour and a novel experience for the children.

Monday 13th March
We are enjoying learning to play the recorder, we have been practising keeping to a rhythm and playing notes A and B. We can play three different simple melodies and look forward to adding to our repertoire!

Friday 10th March
Following our introductory assembly last week, we were very excited to begin our Archbishop of York young leaders programme today. Our first challenge was to balance 6 cups on top of each other - but we were only allowed to touch them with elastic bands! This challenged our idea of teamwork, and we had an in depth discussion about this and what we consider good and bad leadership qualities to be. We can’t wait for the next challenge!

Friday 10th March
In DT we learned about market research and evaluating existing products. We were delighted to have the opportunity to taste lots of different breads! We considered the appearance, smell, and texture as well as the taste - and we thought of some super adjectives for these, such as flavoursome and aromatic.

Wednesday 8th March
Place value was our focus today as we continued to learn about converting fractions to decimals. We started with counters then moved on to pictorial representations, showing our understanding of value according to which column numbers are placed in.

Tuesday 7th March
Author’s visit
We were delighted to welcome author Jenny Pearson, as she entertained us with stories and sharing how she came up with names for her characters as well as story lines. We took advantage of the question time we were given, asking lots of questions which showed how engaged we were and how inspired many felt by her visit - thank you very much!
Friday 3rd March
This term, our learning revolves around being able to give and understand directions in French. In today’s lesson we practised left, right and straight on by listening to the instructions in French and moving the way we were told.

Thursday 2nd March
World Book Day
What better way to celebrate World Book Day than by going to our school library? We also watched the brilliant BBC live lesson; Michael Rosen inspired everyone to want to write their own stories. Another activity relating to books was to design a logo for Boston Schools Book Week. We enjoyed dressing up and taking part in all the activities.

Friday 24th February
We have been learning about algorithms and debugging in Computing, and put this to use by creating a project. Here you can see our fair ride, a carousel which we were able to program to turn and flash lights, consolidating our understanding of conditions.
Thursday 23rd February
First we put together electrical circuits, then in groups worked out how to use them to test materials to determine which were conductors and which were insulators. We discussed the safety implications regarding everyday items such as wires and plugs - there is metal running through wires, which conducts the electricity, but they are encased in plastic to insulate (block) the electricity so people are not electrocuted when touching them.
Helmet safety talk
We were privileged to have a visitor to talk about the importance of always wearing safety helmets when riding a bike or scooter. Some children began by saying they didn’t think they needed to wear them as they never fell off their bikes and some that they didn’t like their hair to be messed up. When our visitor shared her own personal story - her own son who suffered life changing injuries in an accident while not wearing a helmet - and shared photos of him now, the shock was enough to reconsider their priorities. You only get one brain, protect it - in an accident a helmet will take the brunt of impact instead of your skull.