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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

English - persuasive adverts

This term, we have really enjoyed learning how to persuade people. We loved this unit where we had to create adverts for toothpaste. Listen to our voice overs below!

Kasper and Finnley.mp3

Joan and Leila.mp3

Alteja and Chloe.mp3

Kornelia, Stanley and Bonnie.mp3

Thomas, Mason and Freddie.mp3

Gabriela, Paisley and Isabelle.mp3

Millie and Freya.mp3

Ola, sienna and Kate.mp3

Isla, Ella and Kristian.mp3

Miles, Gabby and Ellie.mp3

Henry and Garry.mp3

Domas and Noah. MP3.mp3

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing

This term, we will be focusing on health and wellbeing looking at how to be healthy and who to go to when you need health advice. Also in PSHE, we will also be discussing the physical and emotional changes during puberty.

Science - Electricity

This term in Science, we are focusing on Electricity as we explore the different types of electricity, how electricity flows through a circuit, the dangers that it can pose and the work of Thomas Edison. This term promises to be bright! 

History - Vikings

This term, we continue our History journey as we research what happened after the Anglo-Saxons and we meet the Vikings! We have so many questions. Were they vicious? How did they trade? Where did they come from? We have so many predictions from our knowledge of Anglo-Saxons and from our trip to the Lincoln Museum in Term 1.

RE - Islam

In RE this term, we are investigating Islam and the beliefs of Muslim. We will be focusing on the Hajj (which is one of the five pillars) and the duty that they have.

Art - painting

In Art, we will be focusing on painting. We will be looking at the work of Jackson Pollock and Leonardo Da Vinci. We will be focusing on colour value and how it is important in paintings and how to change the colour value including tone.

Music - Ukulele

In Music, we are picking up our learning from Year 3 and continuing to learn how to play Ukuleles. We will be learning new chords, creating compositions and learning how to play some nursery rhymes. 

Computing - logo

This term in Computing, we are focusing on algorithms and how to use code snippets to make a turtle move using a programme. 

PE - Dance

This term in Dance, we will be focusing on two types of dances. The first dance is that we will be moving like a spy and in the second dance, we will be visiting the 1960s to learn how to dance 'The Twist'.

PE - Tennis

In the second PE session of the term, we will be focusing on tennis. We will be developing different shot types and creating rallys which then leads towards games. Ball control will be a focus also making sure the ball is going where we are aiming to hit it. 
