Term 1
Welcome to Term 1
This term we will be giving opportunities for the children to settle into their new learning environments, form new friendships and begin to follow our school rules and routines.
Reception will be introduced to a range of stories this term including The Colour Monster and We’re going on a bear hunt. We will visit some traditional tales such as Goldilocks and the three bears and The Little Red Hen. From these stories, there will be provision set up each week for the children to engage with and develop their communication and language. The provision will support children’s abilities within literacy, maths, understanding the world, physical development, personal social emotional development and expressive arts and design.
We have enjoyed reading 'The Colour Monster goes to school' and 'We're going on a bear hunt'. The children have explored representing numbers with numicon and making marks with different media. Some fantastic imaginations have been seen through Reception and the children have all been working together, sharing resources and building relationships.
In Literacy we have read the story 'The Little Red Hen'. The children were very lucky to have Steve come in from Asda with the right ingredients we needed to bake some bread. The children were able to mix the flour, yeast, salt and water then knead the dough into a mini loaf.
We have began our teeth brushing in Reception!!
We spoke about the importance of brushing our teeth often and what happens when we don't look after parts of our body. The children each have their own brush and now know that after lunch it's time to BRUSH TEETH!
We have been learning all about Diwali and how it is celebrated. The children have been making their own rangoli patterns, fire works made from dough and setting up their own Diwali feast to share with their friends. The children know that Diwali is the 'festival of lights'.