Term 5
PSHE: Growing up
Can a community ever be too diverse?
As we look to a time where we will be transitioning to Secondary School, our PSHE learning allows for us to explore how we will find our place within a community. The lessons this term will equip us with toolkits to challenge stereotypes, to challenge prejudice and to stand up against discrimination to protect ourselves and others within the community.
Science: Evolution
Why do species of animals look different?
Inheriting characteristics from our parents can always be a good topic for discussion – who shares whose nose etc. but we will be digging deeper and looking at the fossil record, Mary Anning and the famous Galapagos finches sketched by Darwin.
RE: Life Journey
How do people show that they belong to a community?
For most of us, we share similar aspects of our life journeys such as birth, passing a driving test and getting married. This term, we will look at the first eleven Samskaras in Hinduism, Brit Milah, Bat Mitzvah and Bar Mitzvah as well as the Aqiqah ceremony to look at how life journeys of different religions compare.
Art: Lorenzo Quinn
How can sculpture unite people? This term we will be embark upon our mission to create a sculpture of our own hands. We have begun by exploring the shape and understanding how to sketch them first.
Music: The recorder Unit 2
How can singing help us to be better musicians?
This term we will develop our understanding of musical notation by beginning to play the recorder with greater fluency. To do this, we shall explore the use of singing to help support us with an understanding of pitch and duration.
French: Holidays
Voulez vous partir en vacances?
So far this year, we have learned about transport, clothes and French culture. We will, this term, combine our units to talk about holidays (where we would like to go, how we might get there and what we might do there).
English - Writing Narratives
The children will be learning how to include dialogue within their stories linked to the The Wizard of Oz so that they understand how to advance the action and ensure punctuation is used appropriately.
English - Guided Reading
We continue with the drama of The Hobbit! We carefully use the VIPER skills to infer, retrieve and summarise as we delve into the chapters.