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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 2

Rembrandt - Art

We have started our topic off by looking at the artist Rembrandt. We discussed what we like about his sketches and how he was famous for his portrait drawings and how he use to bring them to life without the use of technology. We then looked further at his art work and tried to replicate what he did by using different media. We then explained what we liked about the particular piece of art work. 

Children in Need 2021

This week has been Children in Need where we came into school dressed as our hero. We had lots of outfits dedicated to the NHS, our parents and too footballers. We raised further money by buying cakes during the day. Finally, we took part in a sponsored mile where we ran 20 laps around our playground! Super work Hope Class!


Science - Sound
In Science this term, our focus is on understanding on how sound is made. We have started our journey by looking at how vibrations can help sound travel. We carried out lots of mini investigations with rice on a drum, a tuning fork and water and string and a coat hanger. We can’t wait to collate our results to make our predictions on how sound travels. 


This term, we have been taking part in Yoga in our PE lessons. We have been working hard on our breathing, stretches and balance as we also take time to appreciate our mental health as well. We are enjoying taking part in these lessons to relax and learn new strategies to help with our mental health. 

History - Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

This week, we have been investigating how we can be sure that Anglo-Saxons and Vikings settled around our local areas. We noticed that some of our local town and village names all hold the key to our investigation. Did you know that we still use Anglo-Saxon and Vikings words today in our place name? For example, Boston ends in ‘ton’ which is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning an enclosed village or farmstead. We looked at maps of our local area and surrounding counties to see if we could identify where the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings settled. 

Anti-Bullying Week

This week was Anti-Bullying Week and we started the week by wearing odd socks to raise awareness. The message this year was ‘one kind word’. We spoke about how one kind word can lead onto another and another. As part of our PSHE curriculum, we also looked at what the difference is between teasing, hurtful behaviour and bullying as well as how to respond if we witness or experience hurtful behaviour. After this week, we are much more aware of what bullying is and how to recognise it and how to try and support our friends. 



This term, we have continued our swimming lessons at our local pool. The children look forward to these lessons as they appreciate that they are learning an important life skill. This term has seen the creation of three groups, which all focus on different areas of learning. Some children have started doing their assessments where they try and swim 5 or 10 metres either on their front or on their back. I am so proud of their progress and their confidence in the water. 

Maths - using practical equipment

This week in Maths, we have been retrieving how to add and subtract using three and four digit numbers. To support us with this, we have been using mathematical equipment to aid us in our learning. By using these concrete objects, it helps deepen our understanding of what is happening when we add and subtract and why we may need to carry or exchange over to the next place value. From using the equipment, we have been able to transfer our understanding into our books as we solve these calculations using a column method. 

English - Newspapers

In English, we have started this term on a newspaper article using our text from last term, Beowulf. Here, we are reading examples of newspaper articles to identify the features. From this, we made our own toolkit that we will use when we write our own article reporting the death of Beowulf when he fought a dragon!

