Term 2
Our class novel this term is ....
'Billy and the Minpins' by Roald Dahl
Week 1 in Honesty Class
The first week back has been full of exciting new lesson units and awe inspiring experiences. We continued our consolidation of solving addition and subtraction calculations by using the column method in maths. In English, we began to explore the animation 'The Croods', we ordered the events of a particular scene and used drama techniques to help us remember. This also supported our development of vocabulary!
Non - core activities!
In non-core lessons this week we have enjoyed exploring magnets, discussing different types of settlement, introducing ourselves in French, analysing moving pictures in DT and
much more! We also had the incredible experience of exploring the planetarium! We learnt all about the solar system and the stars! An incredible first week back!
Week 2 in Honesty Class
We have had another fun filled week in Honesty Class! This week we have continued to improve our knowledge of addition and subtraction through reasoning and solving problems. In English, we began to plan our own narrative based on 'The Croods'. We have enjoyed our non core lesson this week, and have taken part in a variety of activities. We began to learn our Christmas songs for the upcoming carol service in our Music lessons. In History, we explored tools that were used in the Stone and Bronze Age and discussed how they may have used them. We also continued our Yoga unit in PE, and practised moving from position to position.
In PSHE this week, we have continued to learn about bullying and how it makes people feel. This week we looked at the differences between online and offline bullying and organised statements into the correct sections.
Week 3 in Honesty Class
This week has been filled with exciting activities and important messages to share! We began the week by participating in anti-bullying week by wearing our odd socks to school! We also joined in with a live lesson where we watched scenarios and how best to deal with situations where someone may be getting bullied. We also learnt about road safety throughout the week, we discussed important statements to do with being safe near roads and grouped them into whether they were safe and unsafe. To end our busy week we took part in children in need. We all came to school wearing our spotty clothes and enjoyed buying, making and eating cakes! We created a large Pudsey on the floor using 1p and 2p coins which looked incredible.
Another fantastic week!
Week Four in Honesty Class!
Another busy week in Honesty Class! This week we have continued our learning in all areas of the curriculum! We continued to practise our Christmas songs ready for the upcoming Christmas carol service. In Science, we discovered what friction is and how the surface can alter how much friction there is. We went outside and explored the 8 points on a compass and how these are used to give directions in Geography. In RE we looked at the important areas within a Mosque and how these are used by Muslims during worship. We reflected and thought about why these are so important to them. We also showed an incredible amount of resilience over the week by completing lots of activities to see how much we can remember since starting Year 3! Well done superstars!