Term 3
5S have started Term 3 by looking at speeches. We listened to, and read, speeches delivered by Sir David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg. The children identified the different elements of a speech which helped them to create their own. The children thoroughly enjoyed delivering their speech to the rest of the class.

This term, the children will explore the properties of different materials through investigation. They will build up a knowledge of reversible changes, evaporation, filtration, sieving, melting and dissolving. This will involve lots of experiments and encouraging children to investigate using their knowledge of variables and what makes a fair test!

The children have been diving in to the local history of Boston, its docks and how it links to Boston, USA. So far, 5S have learned about the Mayflower and it's significance of the past and the role it played during the transport of the Puritans. There will also be lessons about the push and pull factors of Boston, USA.
In Geography we have been identifying states in North America and using an 8-point compass to locate the different states. The children have also been looking at the various landmarks (natural and man-made) which can be found throughout the USA.
5S will be completing weekly swimming lessons during term 3. Swimming is important for children and helps to keep their lungs and heart healthy, improves their flexibility, increases their stamina and can even help with posture! It is also lots of fun! On site, the children will be participating in gymnastic lessons with Mr Melson. This is also a fantastic opportunity for children to improve their flexibility and stamina. Please make sure that PE kit is in school so that the children can participate in all areas of the curriculum.
Part of computing this term is using Crumble during our lessons. Crumble is a small circuit board which connects to our school laptops. The children can then 'drag and drop' commands via the laptop. There are elements of Science involved and a lot of patience!