Term 1
This term we will be exploring Harvest and how other religions celebrate the gathering of food and crops around the world. We will explore in great detail why it is important to show gratitude and be thankful for all the wonderful food that we are blessed with each year. However, the children will also discuss how some people are less fortunate and talk about how we can support them.
PSHE will be a big focus for the children as it is important that the children feel settled during their transition into year 2. We will discuss how it is important to build relationships with our families and friends and identify a range of emotions, including how to manage them effectively.
In Science this term, the children will continue to build upon their knowledge of plants and will explore how they can grow healthily. This will include looking into how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow. We will also briefly discuss the changes in the seasons and how Autumn is the time when crops are harvested ready for the Winter months.
Over the term, the children will take part in PE lessons every Tuesday and Friday. It is important that the children have their kits in school each week and their lessons will take place inside and outside. The area of focus will include Fitness and Team building.
Throughout the term, photos of our learning will be added to our web page and we can't wait to show you what we have been up to.
The children made careful observations of fruit and vegetables this week to explore designs for their final art piece. The children focussed on texture and pattern.
This week the children have been learning to count in threes. They used practical resources to help them with this and made their own number line.
Mary Seacole
In history this week, the children found out about Mary Seacole and the key events in her life. They ordered them in a time line. The children made connections from their learning on Florence Nightingale and began to notice similarities and differences.
The children have been focussing on e-safety and this week have been discussing what would make us feel worried or upset online. We then decided that if we did see something that made us feel worried or upset, we would tell a trusted adult.
Harvest Festival!
This week the children performed their Harvest Festival at school and and St Thomas' Church. This included explaining the importance of Harvest, reading prayers and poems, singing hymns and showing art work. They were amazing and we are so proud of them all.
Bread Making!
The children worked together to make break in preparation for the Harvest Festival. The children then gave out bread rolls to their grown ups after their performance.
The children have continued their learning about plants. This week the children observed seeds and bulbs and found out the difference between them. The children enjoyed cutting them open to see what was inside!
Rector Sarvananthan came to visit Year 2 to talk to them about how farmers harvest crops in Sri Lanka and how Harvest Festival is celebrated there. The children had so many questions and were able to compare it with harvest in the UK.
In art this week the children consolidated their knowledge of primary and secondary colours. The children then learned about tertiary colours. They practised making different tertiary colours by mixing primary and secondary colours together.
In PSHE we continued our learning on relationships. The children talked about different feelings and what may make us feel this way. They then listened to different scenarios and decided how this would make them feel. We then talked about what we could do when we are feeling upset, worried, lonely or frightened to help us.
Number Lines!
In maths, the children took their learning outside. They drew number lines with different start and end points. The children then estimated where different numbers would go on the number line, using their knowledge of number and place value.
In geography the children looked at human and physical features. The children talked about what they were and the difference between them. They then sorted photographs into human and physical features.
The children became historians in their first history lesson. They had to look at different clues to find out who the significant individual was that they would be learning about this term. They then observed the clues from different sources really carefully to try and work out what this significant individual did. The children found out that her name was Florence Nightingale and she a nurse. They cannot wait to find out more about her!
In science, the children looked at different plants. They labelled the different parts and found out the function of each part. The children then created their own flower and labelled all of the parts.
In maths, the children have been learning about place value. they have been partitioning different numbers and have found out that number can be partitioned in lots of different ways.
Book Festival!
The children were lucky enough to visit Blackfriars Theatre as part of Boston book festival. They met the author Luke Temple and he talked about his book Albert and the Blubber Monster. The children found out what it was like to be an author and then they all had a go at being an illustrator! It has inspired lots of children to want to become an author.