Term 4
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term.
This term there are a lot more exciting learning opportunities. The children will be taking part in pedestrian training with a road safety officer where they will learn about how to cross a road safely.
We will be continuing to learn about different materials in our Science lessons
and will be focussing on the suitability of different materials. In Geography children will be using a range of sources to study a new area (North and South Pole). They will be making comparisons to our local area.
In Design Technology, we will be becoming fashion designers and designing and making a bag for an explorer to take with them on an expedition to carry their food and drink.
Our Maths learning this term will be continuing to learn about multiplication before moving on to measurement and then fractions.
Handa's Surprise
In English we have been reading the book, Handa's Surprise. We tasted some of the fruit from the story and thought of lots of adjectives to describe them. We will then use these adjectives to write our own expanded noun phrases.
In maths we have learning about length and height. We found out that we can measure objects in centimetres using a ruler. We found out measure objects accurately and then measured objects a round the classroom.
Design Technology
This term, in Design Technology the children are going to be fashion designers and will be designing and making their own bags for an explorer. This week, the children looked at existing bags and talked about the user and purpose. They also started to look at the joining and finishing techniques.
Year 2 loved their visit to the library this week. they enjoyed exploring different texts with their friends and then enjoyed listening to a story. They cannot wait to visit again next week!
The owl who was afraid of the dark
In guided reading we have been exploring the text 'The owl who was afraid of the dark'. This week the children have applied their art skills to paint 'Plop'. We cannot wait to see these paintings up in our art gallery.
World Book Day
They children had a great day dressed as their favourite book characters and sharing their favourite books with the class. We love reading in Year 2!
Pedestrian Training
We had a very exciting visit from a road safety officer. They taught us how to cross a road safely. We loved having a practise and all remembered to stop, listen, look and think!
In PE the children have been exploring different ways of scoring a goal!