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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 2

Term 2

We have lots of exciting opportunities for the children this term and we are also very excited about learning the songs and lines for our Christmas Nativity!


In Maths this term we begin to move our learning towards addition and subtraction where the children will be solving problems and applying the strategies taught to solve number calculations.


The texts we shall be looking at in English this term are 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff', 'Goldilocks' and 'The Snowman' the children will be given lots of opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills before retelling the stories themselves. 


Geography -  Where in the school are we?

Design Technology -  What makes a structure strong? - Bends or joins?

Religious Education - Who made the world?

Music - Why do we have to sing in time with each other?



Design Technology

Through the use of this text, the children have been introduced to structures. They then looked at a range of images and real life structures outside before learning what their strength was and what they might have been made from. 


Science - sorting and grouping materials

The children were able to sort the objects according to their materials and properties today. They discussed what they looked like and felt like too. 



In English, the children had to complete a jigsaw to make a prediction about what the story would be. They guessed correctly about it being The Three Billy Goats Gruff! Impressive conversations were had by all and great retrieval from Reception. We then retold the story using face masks to help us get in character!



We moved onto reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the children used lots of role play and retelling the story before finally writing their own story books.



Maths - fact families and number bonds within 10

During Maths this week, the children used counters and tens frame to find fact families. They linked their understanding of the part part whole model to help them recognise calculations. 


We have now moved on to learning about number bonds to 10. We started out by making them practically using cubes and recording the number bond on a white board. We then continued with this learning and recorded all of the number bonds to 10 in our books.

English - Three Billy Goats Gruff

Wow - just look at this writing from Year One. They have been able to practise and rehearse the repeated phrases and then include them independently. These sentences show how the children are beginning to use capital letters and full stops.

Music - singing and performing songs

As part of the Nativity 'Hey Ewe', the children have been busy learning their songs. They have thought about the pitch and identified the high and low parts. 

PE - Yoga

The children have been impressing the teachers with their careful breathing and balancing when completing Yoga for PE. This week we were deer, snakes, frogs and foxes. Excellent moves were seen and the children were able to hold their balances still. Well done Year One.

Road Safety Week

As part of Road Safety Week, the children explored who the superheroes were, used a zebra crossing and learnt about being near lorries.


DT- researching how to build, bend and fold


The children have used bricks to learn how to build a secure wall. The children understood how to overlap the bricks including with Lego. They then explored bending and folding paper and cardboard to see how to strengthen structures.

Geography - navigating in a familiar place

Using aerial photographs, the children moved around the school grounds to locate the items positioned and numbered. They demonstrated great knowledge and skill when doing so.



The children were all amazed to be given the opportunity to go inside a planetarium and gain a good understanding of the different planets and solar system. They really enjoyed watching how the sky changes throughout the night and asked some fantastic questions to help further their knowledge.

