Term 3
English - Writing to Persuade
This term we are going to be looking at Writing to Persuade.
Speeches Week

Maths - Multiplication and Division facts
We are continuing this term with more work on Multiplication and Division facts.
Multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit.

Science - Why are insulators as important as conductors?
This term in Science we are focusing on electricity and which materials are insulators and which are conductors. We will also be learning about Thomas Edison and why he is important.
Electrical Devices

History - What enabled the Vikings to trade around the world?
Following on from our learning in Term 1 about Anglo-Saxons, this term we are going to be focusing on Vikings and how they traded around the world, the significance of Lindisfarne and exploring some artefacts from the Vikings.
Art - Why is colour value important in paintings?
This term in art we are exploring Jackson Pollock, an abstract painter and Leonardo Da Vinci a renaissance painter and understanding how colour value is important in paintings.
Religious Education - How does trying to follow shariah (straight path) create a community?
This term we are exploring Islam, looking at the Islam pilgrimage to Mecca known as Hajj and how this is one of their 5 pillars of faith.
Music - Why do we have sheet music?
This term in music we are going to be using the Ukuleles again and continuing to understand how to play this fantastic instrument, as well as understanding why we have sheet music to help us to play an instrument.
PSHE - Why is a healthy lifestyle important?
During the next two terms we are going to be looking at health and wellbeing, understanding our bodies more and why we should try and follow a healthy lifestyle.
Computing - How do you create a program on Logo?
This term in Computing we will be looking at programming and how to create algorithms.
Guided Reading
This term, we are reading a cook called Firework Maker's Daughter.