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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3


This term we write to persuade, beginning by taking part in our speeches week where we explore the theme of 'Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves’. We began by identifying who in our community is unable to speak for themselves. We linked this to us having the power to speak out for others by identifying with the lyrics of the song, 'You've got the power'. We look forward to sharing them with you.



Voices in the Park

We have been studying the book, Voices in the Park, by Anthony Browne. We have concentrated on the First Voice and described the character of the mother and her relationship with her son. Hot seating the characters and role playing the events, we have fully engaged with the text ready to use it to write to persuade. In role as the mother, we are writing to the Mayor to demand he takes action about the frightful people in the park. We look forward to sharing our letters in role with you!

Speeches Week

Still image for this video
Here we have a few examples of some of our speeches from the first week back.

Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Still image for this video

Why should we speak up for others?

Still image for this video


Factor Pairs

This term we have worked to identify factor pairs for different products. Using our knowledge of multiplication, we have been able to find the different pairs of numbers which are multiplied to make each total. Using counters, we created the arrays to match each product, ensuring we had equal groups.


Using our knowledge of times tables and application of known facts to multiply by multiples of 10 and 100, we have begun to look at the formal method for recording the multiplication of two digit numbers by a one digit number. We have explored many different methods this week, use of counters, number lines and part whole model to partition numbers into tens and ones to multiply efficiently. We have chosen the methods that we prefer to then begin to use the column method, both expanded and then into the short written method. We are looking forward to building on this knowledge as we begin to multiply three digit numbers by a one digit number.

Geography- Rivers

How important are rivers to their communities?

In Geography we learn all about rivers so that we know how they are formed and their importance for the communities they serve. Building on our History learning from the Autumn term, we know that settlements were built upon rivers because of their need for a water source. Our learning about Vikings as master craftsmen and boat builders, told us how important rivers were for trade and travel in-land.

To begin, we made links to learning in History. We looked at the legacy through language that tells us today where Anglo- Saxons and Vikings settled, identifying UK cities along with local towns and villages. We then noticed that many of these settlements were close to rivers and that many are still there today, showing the importance of a river to a settlement and community.

Identifying Rivers on Maps

Using maps and atlases, we have identified rivers on maps and the different ways they are represented on ordnance survey compared to in an atlas. We then looked at how many settlements were built close to rivers as many of these cities are still on the banks of rivers today. This enabled us to make connections between the settlements of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and how they are still there today!

We had a fantastic visit from Richard at Anglian Water. During the morning, we were able to retrieve our knowledge of the Water Cycle from Science in Term 1 and then focus on the rivers. Richard highlighted the importance of the rivers and where our water comes from. We were amazed to find out that the UK has the same rainfall as Jerusalem, Egypt and Spain over a year!

In the photos you can see that we were timed for two minutes to see how much water is wasted if we keep the tap on when we brush our teeth, 12 litres is wasted along with energy and money!

We looked at how everything we put down the sink or the toilet has to be removed from the water so that it can be cleaned ready to be used again. 

We enjoyed working in teams the next day to see who could remember the most information!

Retrieval of Facts

Science- Electricity

Why are insulators as important as conductors?

This term we work as Physicists to explore electricity. We began our learning by identifying if appliances are battery powered or mains powered.

We then used a battery, bulb and wires to create a simple electrical circuit.


How does trying to follow shariah (straight path) create a community?

In RE this term we focus on the Five Pillars of Islam to support us to explore community for Mulsims.


Why is colour value important in paintings?

This term we work as painters to explore the work of Jackson Pollock and Leonardo Da Vinci and produce our own finished paintings. We will look at the use of colour and shadow and how they create mood and emotion through art.

We began by exploring the work of Pollock, looking at his style of 'drip painting' and his choice of colour.

Working in the style of Pollock.


How do you create a program on logo?

This term we work as programmers to input instructions, create algorithms and find and debug problems.

We began by using logo to input instructions in full and using the abbreviations. Using the commands, we were able to draw shapes and numbers.

PSHE- Health and Wellbeing

Why is a healthy lifestyle important?

This term we identify how we can take responsibility for our own health and wellbeing. We will know ways to keep ourselves healthy and the importance of doing so. We began by reading some of the things we do daily and decided if they were good for our health and wellbeing or not.

What do we need to do to be fit and healthy?
