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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3



Welcome back to school and Term 3!


As always, we have many exciting learning opportunities lined up this term. This term we shall be learning all about animals including humans in our Science lessons and they will be learning about the different animal groups and talk about the differences between an amphibian, mammal, reptile, bird, fish and insects.


In our Maths lessons we will begin to  look at place value within 20 using  number tracks and matching numbers to amounts.

In our Art lessons this term we will be learning all about drawing and discussing why line is important. The children will be exploring the artwork 'A line going for a walk by Paul Klee, Animals by Pablo Picasso and the Elephant by David Shrigley'. 


In Geography we began by looking at seasonal changes outside. The children observed how some trees have lost all of their leaves and they made drawings of the different coloured leaves they found on the floor.


In our English lessons this week we have been making a bug hotel and then writing clear instructions for Mr Adcock to follow. We are getting so good at using capital letters and full stops now!

