Term 6
Welcome to our final term in Courage Class, the year seems to have flown by! As always, we are delighted to share our learning with you and can't wait to show you what we've been up to!
Sports Trip to the YMCA in Lincoln
Water Safety
This term our focus is on water safety as the weather gets better and open water looks very inviting. Year Four had the focus on what to do if they witnessed someone in the water unable to get out and rehearsed making calls to the emergency services. We role played making calls and giving details of what each situation was. We then created our own water safety posters to share our knowledge with others.
In English this term, we look forward to write to inform. Using our visit to Walsingham from last term, we begin by writing a non chronological report about its significance. We then retrieve knowledge about Europe from Geography learning in Term 4 as we write non chronological reports to share. After learning about mummification in History, we will then write instructions.
Continuing to work as biologists this term, we will consolidate our knowledge about plants and animals in order to classify them in different ways.
Classifying Leaves
Using our knowledge of classification keys, we were able to use them to identify different leaves because of their attributes.
How significant was the finding of Tutankhamun's tomb?
This term we work as historians to explore how we know so much about ancient Egypt especially through the significant find of Tutankhamun's tomb. We learn more about Howard Carter and his work as an Egyptologist and look forward to handling artefacts on loan from The Collection Museum.
Exploring the Ancient Egyptians beliefs about the afterlife.
Exploring Artefacts
Borrowing a loans box from The Collection Museum in Lincoln, we were able to explore artefacts and think about what they might tell us about life in Ancient Egypt. We drew sketches and asked and answered questions about them. This will help to support us answer the question about how we know so much about life at the time and how it contributes to the big question of how significant Tutankhamun's tomb might be.
Why are Egyptian settlements successful?
Building on our knowledge from last term, when we began to learn about Egypt, we will apply prior learning from History this year and what makes a successful settlement. After learning about Anglo Saxon and Viking settlements, we will be able to identify where in Egypt settlements are and how they are successful.
Locating Egypt and the other African countries that the Nile flows through.
Retrieval of knowledge from last term's History learning, e were able to discuss our knowledge of inundation. Last term we had a focus on how it helped Ancient Egypt to be successful, this term in Geography we are able to link it to our learning about the Nile. The flooding of the Nile was how the ancient civilisation gave their seasons their names. We created knowledge wheels with the key knowledge on.
Design Technology
Which sense is the most significant when creating a recipe?
Focusing on food this term in DT, we are able to explore healthy snack bars currently available and then design and make our own. With the design brief to create a snack bar suitable for snack time for children in school, we will retrieve knowledge about healthy eating and the eatwell plate, as we work as market researchers to find out the thoughts of others and use their ideas in our designs.
Evaluating current products.
We identified the ingredients in current products and then used our senses to explore them further. We looked at their appearance, texture, taste and smell to give an overall opinion of the products.
Guided Reading
This term our focus text is The Firework Maker's Daughter. After reading humorous texts last term in English, we look forward to identifying the humour in this Philip Pullman classic!
How do pilgrimages fulfil religious duty?
This term we continue to explore the significance of Pilgrimage for those of faith and of no faith. After visiting Walsingham to be pilgrims for a day, we will learn more about the significance of Lourdes and Lindisfarne as pilgrimage sites and then look at Kumbh Mela as a significant Hindu pilgrimage. Reflecting on the impact of pilgrimage on the environment, we will then work in groups to plan our own pilgrimages.
Living in the Wider World
Que voudriez-vous pour le petit-déjeuner?
Working as linguists, we learn more about breakfast in France and begin to use the vocabulary associated with it.