Term 2
Welcome back Reception! We hope you have had a wonderful half term! We have been blown away by all the Tapestry entries showcasing the fabulous learning that you have been taking part in over the October break. Thank you to all of the parents that have supported their children with learning about the Autumn season and also going above and beyond to practise number work in a range of creative ways. We have seen pumpkin counting, pattern making and lots of leaf pictures!
This term our topic is called `It is good to be you!` This will allow the children to understand how everyone is special, begin to understand tolerance and explore a range of cultures and celebrations. We are also very excited about this term as we will begin learning the songs for our Christmas Nativity. In Maths, the children will begin to explore counting and number recognition but also take part in solving problems. The children will now split for phonics daily and consolidate their set 1 sounds and begin to read a selection of words with greater independence. We are looking forward to seeing how all of our children continue to flourish and grow this term. There will also be lots of experiences for Reception to to take part in, this will include our school trip and a range of visitors.
The children have started the term learning about Bonfire night and why it is celebrated. We have had lots of activities where the children have been artists and created their own representations of fireworks using the printing techniques. They have also explore using marbles to create affects in the outdoor area, mixing colours in the water tray and using a range of mediums to create a bonfire.
The children have also learnt about how to keep themselves safe around fire, the children were very excited to have a group of very special visitors (Fire fighters and Fire engine) this week to help them understand how to keep safe. The children listened very carefully and asked some fantastic questions.
A huge thankyou to @LincsFireRescue and @BostonLFR
Tooth Brushing
This week the children have started their teeth brushing programme with Lincolnshire Smiles. This programme is to support the children with understanding the importance of brushing and how to keep their teeth healthy. After lunch, the children will brush their teeth for two minutes. This is something they have really looked forward to and they enjoy listening to the teeth brushing song.
Trip to Westgate Woods.
The children went on a trip to Westgate Woods, whilst there they collected lots of Autumnal materials such as colourful leaves and pinecones. The children used their observational skills to notice different elements of the walk such as a pile of logs, the children quickly suggested that it was like the 'Log pile house' from the Gruffalo.
The children demonstrated all of our schools core values on the trip and enjoyed every part including the exciting bus journey.
The children enjoyed moving on in PE to looking at balancing this week, the children had to explore different body parts which they could create balances with, they also had to explore how they could move around the hall using a range of body parts and creating a balance in between the different movements.
This week the children have begun their learning around the story Elmer, we have talked about the importance of being different and the children felt the world would be very boring if we all looked the same. The children have explored the character of Elmer and discussed what makes him special, the children then took part in Elmer where one of the children would pretend to be Elmer and the other children asked him questions. We really enjoyed this!
Children in Need 2021
This year the children came dressed as a Superhero, some of the children came dressed as they're favourite superhero and chose a real life superhero such as from the military or the NHS.
The children had a fantastic attitude to Children in Need, showing compassion to others and rally wanting to raise as much money as they could.
The children made their own Christingle, as they were making their own Christingle they learnt about what each part represents. The children remembered that in our Collective Worships we light a candle and say 'Jesus is the Light of the World'. They thought that the candle and Jesus being a light to guide us was very special.