Term 3
Welcome to our Spring Term of learning.
We can't wait to share with you what we get up to!
How are paintings different?
This term we work as painters to explore the work of Cezanne and Charlie Mackesy. We will look at the difference in style and colour theory as we use different paints to create our own pieces of work.
Do the order of instructions and sequences matter?
This term we explore coding by using scratch. Understanding the importance of instructions and the sequence they are put in will be vital for our learning this term.
Speeches Week
This week, in English, we prepared speeches about zoos. We worked hard to make sure our speeches were persuasive before we performed them to our class.

How is our county unique?
Working as Geographers, we explore the concepts of place and landscape to identify what is unique about the county we live in. Understanding what a county is and how it is identified on maps, we will use the Atlas to locate features of our county and those that neighbour us. Locating rivers, major cities along with human and physical features, we will talk about the different location of counties and if they are land locked or coastal.
Can your personal strengths and differences change over time?
This term we explore the concepts of Health and Wellbeing as we begin to discuss what we know about keeping ourselves healthy. We will identify the different ways we can be responsible for our own health and wellbeing so we can flourish.
What is the Trinity?
Exploring the concept of God, we investigate the core Christian belief of the Holy Trinity and how it is a very important part of Baptism.