Term 6
Sporting Trip
Year Three had an amazing sporting trip to Jakeman's Community Stadium, the home of Boston United Football Club. We had lots of fun taking part in football activities, shooting for goal, practicing passes and ball skills. After lunch, we were treated to a tour of the stadium, learning more about the History of the local team, some of the famous players and their achievements.
How does our body move and stand up?
Is all food good for us?
Why do different types of vitamins keep us healthy and which foods can we find them in?
This term we continue to learn about the human body and the ways we can take care of it to be healthy. We look again at the bones and muscles and their purpose and think about how we move and grow.
Living in the Wider World
Is everything online true?
This term we continue to think about what we see online and how things can be changed so they are believable but not factually accurate. We will begin to look at different careers and jobs people have and how people may have more than one job over their lifetime.
Why do we celebrate?
This term we explore why people come together to celebrate. We will retrieve our knowledge of Diwali and Eid, exploring how they are celebrated in the UK and around the world. We then bring our knowledge of Christian festivals as we explore how these celebrations build community within the religion. To end we will look at Humanist ideas and beliefs and the way they celebrate together.
We were able to retrieve learning from our Indian experience in Autumn Term to begin to talk about Diwali. Using film clips and images, we discussed how Diwali is celebrated in the UK and India and thought about the impact it can have on the environment.
History- Romans
Why did the Roman Empire expand then fall?
This term we revisit life in Ancient Rome, building on our knowledge from previous learning as we explore the successes of the Roman Empire and why it then fell after its expansion.
In our first History lesson this term we were able to retrieve key learning about Romans from Term 4. We then discussed the importance of uniformity for the Romans and how they used this when building and making new settlements.
Why is drawing from observation important?
Studying the work of John Macallan Swan, we continue to work as Artists to produce drawings. Inspired by his work, we look at drawing big cats in his style.
Why are chords important to songs?
This term we get the opportunity to pick up the ukulele once more and build on our knowledge to learn new chords and use them in different simple songs.
Why are senses important when creating a recipe?
We can't wait to learn more about Jamie Oliver and his role in transforming school lunches. We will then explore different healthy lunches and design our own. Using knowledge from PSHE and Science about healthy lifestyles and food choices, we will apply this knowledge to our recipes.
All About Me!
This term we get to use all of our learning from the year to showcase what we know about ourselves. Introducing ourselves, our birthdays and our favourite colours, we can use the French vocabulary we have learnt to tell others all about ourselves!
Cricket- Cricket: team sport or individual performances?
Handball - How does fitness improve stamina in a game?
This term we are able to explore two sports that are new to us! Using skills of teambuilding, sending and receiving and striking from Key Stage One we can apply them to these new games.
To begin term 6 we have been retrieving how to tell the time to the nearest minute. Using this knowledge we then calculated duration using hours and minutes. Exploring what a minute was, we were challenged to close our eyes and put our hands on our heads when we thought a minute was up!
Wellbeing Wednesday
At long last we were able to complete the Wellbeing Wednesday challenge of laying on the grass, relaxing and looking at the sky above. We loved to look at the clouds as they floated by!