Term 1
Welcome back to school! We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are ready to bring enthusiasm and curiosity to all the learning we have planned for you. Most exciting of all will be our visit to Leicester Space Centre. Letters for this will be sent out soon with all the information you need. This is always a brilliant day, many budding astronauts are inspired by the fun learning experiences on this trip!
Guided Reading
This term we are reading, 'How does a lighthouse work?'.
History - Race to Space
In history this term we are exploring the Race to Space and the significant events and achievements that led to the first man walking on the moon as well as the achievements which followed this.
Science - Forces
In science we are learning about forces and how they work including gravity, air resistance, water resistance and the effects they have on the movement of objects.
PSHE - Relationships
Our PHSE is going to focus on relationships and how to build healthy relationships - we will have a particular focus on creating and sustaining positive friendships.
Music - Listening and appraising
Our focus in Music this term is to be able to recognise different instruments and instrument groups when listening to a piece of music. We will have the opportunity to listen to a range of pieces of music which will discuss and form opinions about using our musical knowledge and understanding.
French - Ma Famille
In French this term, as well as practising and securing our numbers, colours and weather from prior learning, we will also be learning about our families and how to describe who is in our family.
Art - Sculptures
In Art we will explore the work of Edgar Degas to develop our understanding of sculpture. We will create our own sculpture inspired by our learning about space.
PE - football and fitness
Mr Melson is going to be leading us in football and developing both our ball control skills and our ability to work together as a team. In fitness we are discovering what our bodies are capable of developing our agility and stamina.
In our Math lessons this term we are looking at place value.