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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 6

Welcome back!

We cannot believe that it is the last term of year 2! We have a very busy term with lots of fun activities and a school trip planned. We will also be beginning to prepare the children for their transition into year 3 and help them feel settled ready for their move into lower key stage 2. As well as this, the children will continue to learn about the impact of The Great Fire of London and begin learning about animals in their habitats. Our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Friday.


With the weather improving and temperatures rising, please can all the children come to school with a sun hat and plenty to drink! Children can bring sun cream into school which they can apply themselves. 


Poetry Slam!

We are very excited to begin the term with a poetry slam! The children will be  practising the poem from Roald Dahl's revolting rhymes called 'Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf'. They will be using expression, adding actions and making props for their performance

In maths the children continued with their learning on ‘time’. They retrieved their knowledge of O’clock and half past. The children then played a game to read and write the correct times. The children talked about where the minute and hour hand was for each time. 


 In RE the children started their new unit on ‘incarnation’. We talked about how Jesus is very special and how Christians believe that he is ‘God on Earth’. We then looked at the characters from the Nativity scene and talked about who they were. The children then asked ‘I wonder questions….’ to find out more about the birth of  Jesus.




In PE we have begun to learn how to be able to roll a ball to hit a target. We had to ensure we bent down low and placed our opposite foot to rolling arm forward. We  then let go of the ball when our hand was pointing at the target.

In DT today, the children explored a range of wheeled objects. They discussed what features they had and how they moved. The children found out that they all had an axle where the wheels are attached. They also looked at fixed axles and rotating axles discussed what the difference was. The children also found out what a chassis was and how this is used to attach the axles.




In Geography this week the children looked at a globe and talked about the countries that make up our world. They found out that every country has a capital city. The children then looked at the United Kingdom and found out the capital city of each of the 4 countries. The children used atlases to locate the countries and capital cities.


This week in Science we enjoyed the sunshine and identified many different wild plants along with making observational drawings of Deciduous and Evergreen trees.

Little Red Riding Hood!

In English we have begun to look at our new text 'Little Red Riding Hood'. To get the children hooked on this text we started of by going on a treasure hunt to find lots of jigsaw pieces. We made the jigsaw and made inferences about the picture. We then read the story together and talked about the different characters.


In design technology we looked at a range of materials to make axles, wheels and axle holders. The children explored which would make the best axles and wheels and how we can make sure that the wheels do not fall off. The children also practised how to use a hack saw and vice safely in preparation for making their own vehicles.




Ice Skating

The children had an amazing ice skating trip this week. They all had so much fun and showed real resilience when falling over as they just got back up and carried on. The adults had a wonderful day too and it was amazing to see the smiles on all of the children's faces! A big thank you to all of the parent helpers, you were amazing!





 This week we have continued to learn how to tell the time in Maths looking at 5 minute intervals and the duration of time. In Geography the children really enjoyed looking at different landmarks in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.    


We love reading!

Look at the smiles on these children's faces, they absolutely love going into the library and sharing stories with each other. It is a delight listening to them read and talk about their favourite books.

