3M Honesty Class
Welcome to Honesty Class' page!
Class Teacher: Mrs Milne
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Favell and Mrs Ford
Welcome to our class page! What a pleasure it is to share the children's learning and experiences with you.
Welcome to the Summer Term in Year 3! A term that will see exciting opportunities, lots of learning and a great amount of fun. All of the subjects will see new units of work being taught, building upon previous knowledge. In English, we will be writing to entertain through character descriptions and story-telling. In Maths, we will be continuing with time and moving onto shape and statistics!
In History, we return to the world of Romans whilst in RE we will be continuing to look at festivals starting with Eid and then moving onto Diwali. In PE, we have Cricket and Handball which is sure to be very exciting too! The children will be active, refining their skills and having a fantastic time! Not forgetting Sports Day 2023 too!
We also continue our French learning this term by refining all of our new knowledge from our first year learning a new language. In Music, we will be using the concepts experimenting, expressing and performing go back to ukulele and develop our knowledge and skills focusing on performing and composition. Finally in PSHE, we will be looking at living in the wider world.
We cannot wait to see the children busy in action and doing what they do best! Feel free to come and chat to the Year 3 team anytime.
This term's class novel is - The Sheep Pig
Reading books
Please can we ask that reading books and records come into school every day so that we can listen to your child read in school as often as possible. We encourage children to read to their parents or siblings at home and leave a comment in their reading log.
Homework and Spellings
Each week, your child will be given spellings to practice at home alongside their homework project for this term. Please can we ask that these are completed at home and are handed in every week so that we can provide feedback. These should be handed in on a Wednesday and new homework will be given out on a Friday.
PE Days
In term 6, we have 2 PE sessions in school. This will be taking place on a Tuesday morning and a Wednesday afternoon.
Please can we ask that the correct PE kit is to be in school ready for lessons at all times including outdoor PE kit as we like to get outside and be active as much as possible.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school where we will be happy to help you.
Follow our fun and learning on here and on our twitter pages too.