Term 1
We are so excited to welcome you all to Year 3!
This term we will be learning lots of new and exciting information linking to different subject areas of the curriculum. We will be covering the following:
We will be exploring the different layers of the Earth and the 3 main types of rocks that are made.
We will be looking at the sculptor Tony Cragg and studying his extraordinary artwork!
We will be learning all about the Stone, Bronze and Iron age and how life developed.
We will be listening to a variety of different songs and looking at keyboard instruments.
We will be looking at the importance of online safety and how to stay safe online.
In PSHE, we will be looking at relationships and the different types of families.
We will begin our French learning with some key phrases - peux-tu ecouter?
In PE, we will be taking part in fitness lessons with Mrs Milne and football lessons with Mr Melson.
In RE, we will be exploring Hinduism and the key beliefs of the religion.
In our English lessons this week, we have been exploring the text 'How to wash a woolly mammoth'. We began by discussing the text and learning all about imperative verbs. We then created freeze-frames to help us show imperative verbs in action! We loved being bossy and creatively showing the different instructions within the book.
This week, we went and explored the library for the first time since being in Year 3! We loved finding books that linked to our new learning and sharing these with our friends. We then sat together and read some interesting facts about the Stone Age, ready for the beginning of our History lesson!
Today in History, we started our new learning of the 'Stone Age' by going back in time to when the first humans walked on the Earth! We were told the story of Lucy. A young female whose fossil was found by scientists in 1974, which dated back millions of years. We studied images of her skeleton alongside images of a human skeleton and a chimpanzee and discussed the key similarities and differences.
Today we continued to consolidate our previous learning of place value by looking at numbers within 100. We then extended our learning to numbers beyond 100. We began with looking at how hundreds can be represented, this helped us understand how much larger hundreds are compared to tens! Hundreds are ten times larger! We then practised counting in our hundreds before using our knowledge to count large quantities.
Our first PE lesson in Year 3 saw us use our bodies to help us learn about fitness! We learnt the 4 areas of fitness - speed, strength, agility and balance. We then completed different tasks which allowed us to apply our new knowledge. Towards the end of the lesson, we completed some competitive shuttle runs to get our hearts racing!