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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 1

This term we shall be exploring different materials in our Science lessons, looking at their properties before we test out different materials for their suitability. We are also looking at the season 'autumn' and how the environment looks. We started this today by choosing our own tree which we are going to closely observe for changes over the four seasons and then we made observational drawings of the flowers and plants we could see in the school grounds.



In English and Guided Reading we have been reading the text "The Three Little Pigs". The children have really enjoyed listening to the story and adding in their own actions to then use when they retold it. In Maths we have been sorting objects into different colour, shape and size. We had to be able to talk about the sorting rule using the correct vocabulary.





 The children have already showed so much enthusiasm learning about toys from the past in History. They all turned into Historians and then explored the contents of an old suitcase. They looked carefully at the different toys discussing how they were similar or different to their own toys.



In Art this week the children became Artists and using watercolours created their own painting of 'Balloon Dog' by Jeff Koons. I think you will all agree that the finished artworks are amazing!




In Science this week we have begun to learn about different types of materials, we then explored different objects and discussed the material they were made from. We have been counting accurately in Maths, making sure we check our answers and putting objects in lines to make counting them easier.



Year 1 have been very lucky because they were able to attend a Mini First Aid workshop. The children were able to find out what to do in an emergency, how to help ourselves and each other if we are hurt and what to do if we need to call for emergency services. They also practised cutting up their food with a knife and fork so that they can eat safely.



In English this week we have been reading the text 'The Little Red Hen', we discussed the vocabulary within the book and retold the story using actions and props. In Maths we have been representing numbers using different objects. 



The children became artists again this week, exploring the famous artwork 'Fish' by Alexander Calder. They drew their own fish and then experimented with colour and shape to complete their artwork.




This week in Maths we have been using number fans, number tracks and cubes to help us count forwards and backwards from any given number.  




We have been creating our own sculptures this week of the 'Balloon Dog'. We used the technique of score and slip to help us join pieces of clay together to build our own sculpture.




In Science this week we have been exploring how different materials feel. We discussed the different vocabulary we can use to describe how the materials look and feel before exploring them for ourselves.



This week we have continued to make observations of the seasons and weather, we collected up leaves from the ground and looked at them closely to see the changes that are occurring throughout autumn. In Art we have been painting our clay sculptures and used wire to recreate our own fish like Alexander Calder.




We have been using lots of practical resources in Maths this week to help us count accurately and find one more and one less.



This week we have been learning all about greater than, less than and equal to. We used straws and cubes to help us initially and then drew the symbols ourselves to show the difference between the two numbers.





This week in PE we have been learning how to plan with a partner and a small group to solve problems. We have had to listen to each other's ideas and work together to make decisions to create a plan to help my team to score the most points.

