Term 1
Welcome back to Term 1!
The children have come back to school with fantastic attitudes to learning and have dived right into their learning for this term.
Check out our amazing learning below.
How can a sculpture tell a story?
We have had a great start to our Art learning this term, beginning to explore our Big Question.
We have been exploring our artist Edgar Degas and his inspiring artwork.
We have begun our focus on his drawings and sculpture of ‘The Little Dancer’. This week the children have created amazing sketches and mixed-media art of Degas’ Little Dancer.
Well done everyone.
Hidden Figures
We have begun reading our book, that we are focussing on in English this week: Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.
It tells the true story of four inspirational African-American women, who helped launch the United States into space.
We explored the original meaning of the word computer and have started to develop a toolkit for a biography. I cannot wait to read Diversity class’ biographies.
Race to Space!
Throughout history this term, the children will be learning all about the hugely competitive and expensive race which involved the USA and the former USSR trying to get to space first!
We have already had some wonderful questions and fantastic pieces of work. Recently, the children were tasked with arranging the key events into chronological order.