Support Groups
Here are some online resources which may be of interest to parents and carers:
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board - This site provides information to help parents and professionals to identify signs when a child maybe experiencing difficulties. It offers information and advice to help parents decide on how to deal with worries and problems on some of the most common parenting issues as well as contacts for further information.
Lincolnshire County Council Domestic Abuse - Domestic Abuse information and support provided by Lincolnshire County Council.
National Autistic Society - A service that provides practical support in identifying and living with autism.
NSPCC Online Safety Pack - Easy to read information pack for parents regarding e-safety.
Safer Internet Centre - The UK Safer Internet Centre is coordinated by a partnership of three leading organisations; Childnet International, the South West Grid for Learning and the Internet Watch Foundation.
Stay Safe Partnership - The Stay Safe Partnership have launched a Stay Safe Directory for parents containing factsheets on apps, privacy techniques, places to get support etc.
Parenting courses in Boston:
Stepping Stones: 9 week programme for parents of children with disabilities.
Solihull: Includes self-regulation and anger and helps parents to become in tune with their child’s development needs
Contact your local children’s centre or email
Norfolk Lodge Children’s Centre: 01205 319899
Sutterton Children’s Centre: 01205 461509
Family Services directory - Your online guide to services and information on local organisations for parents, practitioners, children and young people.
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum - Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum is the official independent parent carer forum in Lincolnshire, seeking to represent parents and carers of children with disabilities and Special Educational Needs (SEN).
Specialist Family Practitioner Team – part of the Oncology, Palliative and Bereavement service.
They help children and their families to understand their thoughts and feelings about how they are being affected by illness or bereavement.
Please speak with a member of the Learning Mentor Team if you would like a referral into this service.
Boston Foodbank Helping local people in crisis.
Young Minds - YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people.
Steps to Change – This a free confidential NHS service for anyone in Lincolnshire who is feeling stressed, unhappy, depressed, sad, worried or anxious
Lincolnshire Action Trust – Oasis - The Young Oasis team now offer confidential one-to-one support to children and young people in Lincolnshire who have been or are affected by a family member misusing drugs or alcohol.
Comprehensive guide to ADHD – NHS choices
Childline has launched an online hub of calming techniques and resources for young people to help them feel better when they feel anxious, scared or sad. The portal introduces lots of different techniques, activities, exercises and games that children can use to help them feel calmer and let go of stress.