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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 1

Term 1 - It's good to be me 

Big Question- Why am I special? 


The children have made an amazing start to their school journey. They have been learning lots about our school and what learning behaviour looks like. The children have shown lots of enthusiasm to take part in all of the activities and have take part in lots of listening games. The children have explored their environment during independent learning time and began to form new friendships, playing together and talking to each other.

The children have begun learning their sounds in phonics! The children showed lots of enthusiasm to learn their sounds and loved playing games with Fred the frog, the children have begun to show a love of reading and stories! Great work, give yourself a whoosh Love class!

The children have been exploring number through nursery rhymes, we have had great fun singing the songs with actions and even acting them out. We are amazed by how much confidence has been shown to come to the front and act out the songs, 5 little speckled frogs was our favourite!

The children have been using various tools to make marks and begin to write sounds! They have really enjoyed beginning to write their sounds using chalk on the playground, they have also been using tweezers to move beads and pompoms to create patterns and the children have been shining whilst making marks in the glitter! Great work Reception!

The children have been exploring families and how families are all different! The children have loved talking about their families and how they are special. We then looked at the story 'We're Going on a Bear hunt' where a family go on an adventure! We focussed on the different vocabulary used to describe how the family would move along in their adventure using the words 'over', 'under' and 'through'. The children used puppets to retell the story using a tuff spot with their friends, great expression has been used! Wonderful work Reception!

