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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 1

Science- Forces

How do we know forces exist when we cannot see them?

This term we explore forces, identifying the different forces at work in the world around us, naming them and explaining how they work. We will explore levers, pulleys and gears and explain how they work with a small force creating a greater effect.


RE - Hinduism

Does dharma impact how Hindus behave?

This term we will recognise the way in which faith and worship supports Hindus in their way of living. We begin by exploring the importance of the Trimurti and how some Hindus recognise deities of Brahman. The importance of worship and the ways Hindus fulfil their dharma, along with how dharma can change based on a person’s stage in life will be explored.  We will also study ways in which Hindus try to achieve moksha and the meaning of karma and how t drives the cycle of samsara.


History- Space Race

What were the most significant space achievements to date?

This term we begin to understand  the origins of the Cold War in WW2, and relate this to the Space Race, including the moon landing. We will be able to articulate the development of space technology driven by the Space Race and development in recent space exploration. We have been fascinated by the recent news of two astronauts stuck in space and how this came to be.


Music- Listening and Appraising

Does a music’s texture influence our likes and dislikes?

This term we identify texture and how it is used in music. We will identify the layers of sound that create a piece of music, exploring examples of different genres. As part of our learning, we will identify instruments from the woodwind family and the differences between them; their appearance and the sounds made. We then move on to know how to identify major and minor chords and understand their purpose within music.


Computing- Connect and Communicate

How do we create an online representation?

How can we work together online?

This term we have a huge focus on e safety which then continues throughout the year. Children will understand that what they put online stays online for a long time and can create an inaccurate representation of them. We will explore how information is shared between systems and how this can help us to work together.


French- Family Tree

Qui est dans votre arbre généalogique?

This term we learn the vocabulary associated with our families and begin to talk about them before recording key information.


PSHE- Relationships

Are friendships always positive?

This term we explore relationships within our families and friendships with a focus on managing friendships and peer influence. We identify what makes a healthy friendship and how they make people feel included. We will then identify safe relationships, physical contact and feeling safe.


Art- Sculpture

How can a sculpture tell a story?

Working as artists, we will explore the work of Edgar Degas, his sketches and sculptures particularly that of the ‘Little Dancer of Fourteen Years’.  After identifying how sculpture can tell a story, we then create our own.



Football this term will be taught by Mr. Melson on a Thursday.

Is a football player the only role you can aspire to be?

This term we develop control when sending and receiving under pressure, select and apply a variety of dribbling techniques to game situations and explore creating tactics with others and applying them to game situations.



Can you be fit but not healthy?

Over the term we will be exploring ways we can keep ourselves fit by demonstrating improved body posture and speed when changing direction and how we can change our body position to maintain a controlled centre of gravity.
