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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Forgiveness Class

Welcome to Forgiveness Class' page!


Class Teacher Miss Ford



Welcome to our class page!  What a pleasure it is to share the children's learning and experiences with you. .


Welcome to the Spring Term! 

We are so pleased to welcome you to our class page as we continue our journey in Year Three and look forward to sharing our love of learning with you.


Please click on the star for each term below to find out more about our learning.


Reading books

 Please can we ask that reading books and records come into school every day so that we can listen to your child read in school as often as possible. We encourage children to read to their adults or siblings at home and leave a comment in the reading log. Our new reading logs have room for pupils to write a comment and give the book or chapter read a mark out of 10. Encourage your child to think about and explain orally why they give that score.


Reading books will be changed on Fridays.


Homework and Spellings

Each week, your child will be given spellings to practice at home alongside homework activities.  This will be given out on a Friday and should be handed back in by the Wednesday.


PE Days


Please can we ask that the correct PE kit is to be in school ready for lessons at all times including outdoor PE kit as we like to get outside and be active as much as possible. We are timetabled to have PE on Monday and Tuesday but this can change.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school where we will be happy to help you.

Follow our fun and learning on here and on our twitter pages too.






Just click on the stars below to find out more about our learning in Forgiveness Class each term.


Times Tables!

Alongside homework, we will be setting times table challenges on MathShed to help improve your child's fluency when answering times table questions. At the end of Year Four pupils in England are given an online Multiplication Tables Check. They will have just 6 seconds to answer each of 25 questions so ready recall is vital!

It is great to begin to practice your knowledge now! 
