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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 6

Friday 8th July

Orienteering in Witham Way Country Park

We were very excited to have the opportunity to practise our orienteering skills in a different setting. We loved running around the park, navigating to the orange flags; then there was a competitive element, where we raced in our teams to be the quickest to complete a course. Well done everyone!

Thursday 7th July

Art after school event

It was wonderful to see so many parents come in to share their children’s art progress and achievements over the year. The children were happy to show off their art books and showed their parents how they produced their sketches in the style of E H Shepard. Some parents then had a go sketching an illustration themselves!

Wednesday 6th July


We are learning to play the recorder, and are practising playing the notes B, A and G. We have learned to read musical notes on the stave and keep time as we play in unison.

Thursday 30th June


We explored translation of shapes and of coordinates in a practical session. Working in pairs, we used playing pieces on a grid to test each other on coordinates following a translation. The partner had to identify the starting coordinates, the finishing coordinates and the translation involved in the move. Lots of fun and lots of learning!

Wednesday 29th June


It was an exciting afternoon - using the designs for the size and shape of our bags, we cut out patterns and tacked the paper to the fabric using pins before cutting round it. Then we were ready to sew around the outside, using either running stitch or blanket stitch.

Wednesday 29th June


We had fun writing lists using commas, semi-colons and bullet points, using a selection of random objects! By the end of this lesson, we were all able to correctly punctuate sentences containing lists.

Thursday 23rd June

Trip to Tallington Lakes

What an exciting day! We all had the opportunity to take part in three different activities over the day: tobogganing, wall climbing and team building. Everyone challenged themselves on the climbing wall, having a go at all required courage for some - it was a 15m high wall! Some children climbed all the way up to the top, all got off the ground so well done to all.

Tobogganing was tremendous fun, sliding down the hill at speed made everyone happy.

The team building involved games in which groups had to work together to achieve goals, it was super to see how everyone helped and encouraged each other in these.

Tuesday 21st June


We have been practising throwing and catching skills and then applying them to mini games of cricket this term. Understanding the rules and knowing what a wicket keeper is and does was part of our learning today.

Wednesday 15th June

Sports Day

Everyone was very excited about Sports Day and their chance to join in several races to represent their house. So much sportsmanship and fellowship was shown by everyone, and the sun was shining - what else could anyone ask for?

Monday 13th June


We are beginning to explore our new unit of Animals including Humans, so began with an assessment of what we already knew. We practised unfamiliar vocabulary, such as adolescent, and used the words in context.

Thursday 9th June


The mandir in Peterborough linked up with Year 5 on Teams, which meant that we were able to have a fascinating tour around the inside of this special building. Our guide explained some of the beliefs some Hindus have about the different gods they worship, all of whom are seen as avatars of the three most important gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The vibrant colours used in the mandir were one of the first noticeable points we noticed, all the colours of the rainbow are used to celebrate the deities. Thank you very much to Rajni for showing us around!

Thursday 9th June


Today was the day of the big performance! Everyone was very excited about performing in front of the class. It was wonderful to see that confidence has blossomed, and the actions, props and loud, clear voices were a credit to all. Everyone had memorised their parts and they each shone as they recited the poetry. 

Wednesday 8th June


Poetry Week continues… We are working in groups to perform Mr Nobody, a funny poem that all the children identified with at once! Memorising sections of the poem, deciding whether to speak alone or in unison and contemplating actions to go with the words were all the subject of debate today, as each group worked on their presentation.
