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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Welcome to our Spring Term of learning.

We can't wait to share with you what we get up to!

What a great retrieval trip! After learning about Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age last term, we were able to retrieve all of our knowledge on our visit to Flag Fen in Peterborough. It was fascinating to find out about the finds there and how they are being preserved.

We worked as archaeologists to handle objects and decide which period they were from. Using clay, we made small clay pots and decorated them in the same way they may have been decorated in the past using objects found in nature. 

After visiting the reconstruction of a round house, we tried to create our own wattle and daub walls.  Using natural objects, fruits, chalks and charcoal, we tried our hand at creating art work in a similar way to they would have done in the past.


Speeches Week

We begin our Spring Term with a focus on oracy. We will explore the role of zoos in the world and deliver factual and persuasive speeches about how relevant they are for us today.

The impact of Plastic.

After watching a clip about the impact of plastic on animals in the oceans, we produced short posters and adverts to try and persuade people to take care of their rubbish and dispose of it responsibly.

We made notes of the positives and negatives of plastic so that we had facts we could use in our work.

Can you persuade me?

We found a sealed box in our room. Should we open it? We shared reasons why we should and should not open the mysterious package. Writing our ideas down to persuade, we decided that we should open the box in case it was something that needed our help!

Why are zoos important?

To help us with our speeches week, we looked at some of the reasons why zoos are an important part of conservation, particularly of endangered species.


A great speaking and listening activity is to have a telephone conversation with a friend to rehearse ideas. We sat back to back and discussed some of the reasons why it is important that rubbish is put into a bin.


Exploring multiplication and division, we used dienes to make repeated groups so that we could see the tens and ones to multiply and made whole numbers that we could then divide into equal groups.


Why do shadows change during the day?

This term we work as physicists to explore light and how we see things along with how light reflects and the formation of shadows. 

We need light to see things.

To begin our learning about light, we were presented with a selection of boxes with items inside. Peering through a small hole we decided if we could see anything or not. Many of the boxes were dark so nothing could be seen. We then shone a torch through another hole in the box to establish that light allows us to see things. Some of the items were easier to see than others depending on their colour or material they were made from.

The sun is the source of light energy for the Earth. We explored the benefits of the sun but also the dangers. Creating posters for younger members of our school community, we have been able to share what we know and educate others in how to keep ourselves safe.

Transparent, translucent or opaque.

Using torches, we explored different objects to see if they were translucent, transparent or opaque. Making dark places, we tested to see if light passed through objects or if it was blocked.

How does the size of the shadow change?


What is the Trinity?

Exploring the concept of God, we investigate the core Christian belief of the Holy Trinity and how it is a very important part of Baptism. 

After writing our own Class Grace, we created bookmarks to remind us of it.


How is our county unique?

Working as Geographers, we explore the concepts of place and landscape to identify what is unique about the county we live in. Understanding what a county is and how it is identified on maps, we will use the Atlas to locate features of our county and those that neighbour us. Locating rivers, major cities along with human and physical features, we will talk about the different location of counties and if they are land locked or coastal.

What are the features of Lincolnshire?

After learning about Lincolnshire and some of the key human and physical features, we compared it to Yorkshire. We looked at the similarities and differences of the two counties.


Do the order of instructions and sequences matter?

This term we explore coding by using scratch. Understanding the importance of instructions and the sequence they are put in will be vital for our learning this term.


Can your personal strengths and differences change over time?

This term we explore the concepts of Health and Wellbeing as we begin to discuss what we know about keeping ourselves healthy. We will identify the different ways we can be responsible for our own health and wellbeing so we can flourish.



How are paintings different?

This term we work as painters to explore the work of Cezanne and Charlie Mackesy. We will look at the difference in style and colour theory as we use different paints to create our own pieces of work.


Exploring the painting style of Mackesy and Cezanne.

Using watercolour paint and black pen, we were able to explore the work of Charlie Mackesy. Acrylic paint allowed us to create different shades of colour to match that of the work of Cezanne. 

Using Viewfinders

Using viewfinders, we focused on small parts of the images and used paints to recreate them in the style of the different artist.

Colour Theory

Using watercolours, we built on our knowledge of primary and secondary colours to mix tertiary shades. We looked at the colour choice of different artists and how the colours chosen make the audience feel.


We began by naming the parts of the racket and then exploring how best to control the ball depending on the direction of the strings. Balancing the ball on the racket, we learnt control and how to let it bounce once before catching it on the racket or hitting it to our partner.

French Day

This term we enjoyed a French day learning all about the culture of France. Our learning began by identifying different countries around the world that speak French. We then looked at some of the sports enjoyed in France and created posters about the country.
