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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Personal Development at St Thomas'


At St Thomas' our vision of 'Encouraging each other, overflowing with hope,' is the touch-stone of all we do and provide for the school community and those beyond. As this distinctly Christian vision suggests, we leave nothing to chance: opportunities for children's character education and personal development are planned and purposeful. By regularly reflecting and evaluating our offer, the staff at St Thomas strive to provide carefully mapped-out experiences where children gain the knowledge to develop holistically. Personal development - and the opportunities for learners to gain the knowledge required to flourish as a 21st Century citizen - is detailed within the overview grids on this page. Further examples of where Spiritual development is planned for can be found in blue on our curriculum progression documents. 


It is our hope that each child and family will flourish and that the achievements and developments of the pupils at this school enable them to succeed in life.




