Term 6
History - Ancient Egyptians
This term in History, we will be answering the following question. We will investigate the work of Howard Carter and his discovery and how archaeologists understand what life was like in Ancient Egypt.
Geography - Settlements
This term in Geography, we are focusing on settlements and why the Nile is so important to the way Egyptians live!
DT - Food
This term in DT, we will be focusing on food. We will be designing a healthy snack bar using the eat well plate as a guide.
French - Breakfast
In French this term, we will be discussing how to say breakfast items in French and having conversations about what we like and dislike.
RE - Pilgrimage
This term in RE, we will continue work on pilgrimages with a different focus. We will be looking at the environmental impact that it has on the world.
Science - Living things and their habitats
In Science, we will continue work on answering our question with the focus on how habitats are changing and how we can help prevent loss of homes.
We are continuing our work in PSHE looking at digital footprints and how to budget money.
PE - Rounders
One of our final topics in PE is rounders, where we will be focusing on coordination when hitting and catching and applying this to game situations.