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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 2


We created freeze frames in English this week while acting out certain scenes from our text.




The excitement is building as we prepare to write our own science-fiction stories based on The War of the Worlds!

We have been creating our own aliens!





Equivalent fractions were being explored today with the help of some willing volunteers.

In lesson we have been looking at factor bugs!

Guided Reading



Diversity Class put themselves in Ahmet's shoes and discussed how he would of felt when another child gave him a reminder of home.

The boy at the back of the class has gripped the class!

How would Diversity Class support a new child in the class?


We have been looking at vocabulary in our text today and thinking about synonyms.



An amazing visit from StarLincs Mobile Planetarium to kick start our space topic!

Fantastic experience!


Today in Science we were looking at evidence about whether the earth is spherical or flat. In groups we used the evidence cards and begun to link our ideas together to form an opinion if we agreed or disagreed. 



In lesson today we looked at the world's climate zones and how it relates to the equator.

We discussed the relationship between the climate and latitute then linked it back to the zones.

Next, we looked at how the ocean influences the climate. We discussed how rather than being colder, the UK is warmer than expected and this is due to the Gulf Stream which brings warm water from the Caribbean,

Design Technology


Today we have been working in groups to create prototypes of bird hides. We were using triangulation to make our structures stronger

Today in DT we were looking at different types of structures and whether they were permanent or portable.






This term we are looking at yoga and basketball.


Today we have been looking at finding space in basketball to enable us to attack.


In our French lesson today we were working with our partners and describing their hair and eyes. 




We have begun our Islam topic by looking at the five pillars of Islam. Year Five have been learning that all Muslims must follow these to establish a strong relationship with Allah.


In RE we have been focusing on the charity pillar. We have been discussing Muslim charities and how this work connects with beliefs about God, others and the world. We thought about key questions and added our suggestions and ideas around the questions.




We have been looking at how our bodies feel when they are uncomfortable.



Road Safety Week


Anti-bullying week





Children in Need 2022
