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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Reading for Pleasure


When twelve-year-old Marcus kicks his favourite ball over the school fence, he knows he is never getting it back. Nothing that goes over that wall ever comes back! But the following morning at Breakfast Club, Marcus receives a mysterious note inviting him to Breakfast Club Investigators. Among the tasty servings of toast, cereal and juice, he is soon pulled into an exciting adventure with his new friends to solve the mystery and get his football back!


Prediction questions

What is the mysterious building next to Rutherford School?

Why are students not allowed to go over the fence?

What might BCI stand for?


'Books are like people. Look past their covers, and they'll take you on a great adventure!'


'By looking at someone you do not know what they are like as a person', Lily Mae


'I looked at a book called Lola Rose and I did not really want to read it, but as I started to read I fell in love and read it all within a week!, this shows that if I had put it down because of the cover I would not have read it at all!' - year 5 member.

The boy at the back of the class

'I enjoyed the bit where they went to get the football back, they did not want to give up. I predict they will get told off for trying to get it again because they got told off the first time' - Lily Mae


'I liked the part where the children climbed over the fence and got caught by the headteacher because it was exciting', - Zak


'I would like to know what is going to happen next!' - Member of 5A


'I am really enjoying The Breakfast Club Investigators book because there are lots of surprises and I love the suspense!' - Member of 5A


'I believe that they will get their ball back and they will get told off for going over the fence', - Annabelle.


'In my opinion I believe that Marcus will get his football back because the person that lives on the other side of the gate will come back and give it to him', - Lucy


'I think that it is really cool, I am enjoying it!' - Isabella

Reading afternoon

Year Five enjoyed a lovely afternoon reading with parents and carers.
