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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

5A Diversity Class

Welcome to Diversity Class' page!


Class Teacher: Mrs Austen

Teaching Assistant: Miss Webster


Welcome back to term 6. We all hope that you have had a relaxing Easter holidays.


5A are looking forward to another exciting term!


You can keep up with what we are doing over on Twitter! @MrsLAusten @misswebster_ta



Mrs Austen and Miss Webster will both be working hard to listen to children read regularly. We understand that children will often read independently in year 5 however, we ask that reading records are still signed by a parent to evidence that this has taken place. Our aim is for children to read their books at least 3 times a week. Lots of house points are waiting to be earnt! In Year 5 children will be able to independently access the school reading books in order to change them once they are finished.



During Term 6, PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. However, sometimes changes have to be made to the timetable, so we ask that PE Kit is kept in school all the time. Please could you ensure all PE kit is named, we have many 'spare' items now as children cannot tell which is theirs!




