Term 1
Newsletter Autumn term 1
In Maths, we are consolidating our knowledge from Year 2 and looking at our place value knowledge of hundreds, tens and ones. We explored representing and partitioning numbers up to 100 before moving on to 1000.
Partioning numbers into hundreds, tens and ones

In English, we are looking at the story 'How to wash a woolly mammoth'. We have read the story and discussed the instructions provided. Over the next few weeks we will develop our own instructions with adverbs and conjunctions added in.
Sorting the book into chronological order

History - Through the Ages
How did life develop through the Ages?
Computing - E-Safety and Communication
Can we believe everything we read?
Sorting beliefs, facts and opinions

French - Classroom commands
Peux-tu ecouter?
We played 'Bingo' to help remember the French classroom commands

Art - Sculpture
Can sculpture be made from anything?
Creating sculptures using found objects
Music - Listening and Appraising
Are keyboard instruments the most important?
Comparing what brass instruments are being used in pieces of music

PE - Fitness and Football
How does teamwork help you succeed?
How does fitness improve your mental health?

Religious Education - Hinduism
What do Hindus believe Brahman is like?
Indian experience
Science - Chemistry
How can rocks be identified based on how they are created?
PSHE - Relationships
Does respect always look the same?
Acting out different scenarios