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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 1

This term we will be exploring Harvest and also how other religions celebrate the gathering of food and crops around the world. The children will participate in a Harvest Festival performance, singing songs we will learn in Music, read the prayers they will have written and acting out a story related to Harvest. We will explore in great detail why it is important to show gratitude and be thankful for all the wonderful food that we are blessed with each year. However, the children will also discuss how some people are less fortunate and talk about how we can support them.


PSHE will be a big focus for the children as it is important that the children feel settled during their transition into year 2. We will discuss how it is important to build relationships with our families and friends and identify a range of emotions, including how to manage them effectively. 


In Science this term, the children will continue to build upon their knowledge of plants and will explore how they can grow healthily. This will include looking into how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow. We will also briefly discuss the changes in the seasons and how Autumn is the time when crops are harvested ready for the Winter months. 


Over the term, the children will take part in PE lessons every Monday and Friday. It is important that the children have their kits in school each week and their lessons will take place inside and outside.  The area of focus will include Fitness and Team building. 


Throughout the term, photos of our learning will be added to our web page and we can't wait to show you what we have been up to. 

Religious Education

During RE the children have been exploring the different ways in which we can say thank you, as well as how Christians give thanks to God for the Harvest.

Last week they explored the different types of food that are harvested during the autumn and using salt dough made a piece of fruit, vegetable or bread product to create a harvest display like those seen in churches. 



In geography so far this term the children have learnt how to understand the difference between human and physical features and last week learnt how the Lincolnshire landscape changes over the year.


During history the children have become historians, looking at different clues about who the significant individual was and that they would be learning more about them this term. They then observed the clues from different sources, really carefully, to discover who the person was and what their career was. They discovered it was Florence Nightingale and that she was an important nurse during the Crimean War. One of the children later in the week discovered a book about Florence Nightingale in our reading corner and all of the children were excited to learn more about her.


During science the children started the term by looking at different trees that grown in England and going out into the school ground to make some observational drawings.

We have then continued to look at the different parts of plants as well as what their functions are. The children worked in groups to create a flower, using different art materials, and labelled all of the parts.


In maths, the children have been learning place value. They have been partitioning different numbers, into tens and ones to begin with, then they have found out that numbers can be partitioned in lots of different ways.

Boston Book Festival

The children were very lucky to be invited to Blackfriars Theatre to meet children's author Luke Temple, as part of Boston's Book Festival. 

Luke talked about his book Albert and the Blubber Monster, reading out parts of the story and asking the children how they thought the monster might sound like and how they would walk across the stage.

During the event the children had a go at drawing their own monster just like the illustrator of Luke's books. 


During the last week in English, the children have been very excited looking at the book 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner, a tale about a mysterious event happening on a Tuesday evening from sunset. The children laughed a lot looking at the antics that were happening in the book. We continue to look at  the book this coming week, with the children then moving on to writing about their own strange events happening on another Tuesday.
