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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 4



The children worked together to write a set of instructions to play the game Snakes and Ladders and then put their instructions to the test to play the game, identifying where they were correct or where they need to make adaptations.

After looking at the book How dogs really work, the children were tasked with writing their own explanation texts on How cats really work. Working in groups of three, the children read through information books and pages to find out about cats and decide what information they would like to include on their explanation texts.

During the last week, the children have been working on an explanation text about how rivers are formed, retrieving information from their learning in Geography in Term 2.

Using their painting skills and inspiration from Charlie Mackesy (an artist they learnt about in Year 3) the children created their backgrounds in preparation of publishing their work.


PSHE - Why is a healthy lifestyle important?

Science - How important are teeth to digestion?

As part of our learning and understanding about teeth, Courage class conducted an experiment to see what effects different drinks could have on teeth. We used eggs as a replacement of teeth and put one into Cola, Milk, Water and Orange juice. Over the following week we monitored any changes that occurred onto a sheet.

The children were surprised when they discovered that orange juice affected the egg shell more than the cola.

During Science this week we looked closely at how the digestive system worked. We created our own digestive system using a plastic bag, replicating the stomach and a pair of tights to be like the intestines.


Geography - Why would you visit Europe?

P.E. Gymnastics - Why is communication important within a routine?




P.E. Orienteering - If you win as a team, does that mean you lose individually?

Design Technology - Why is the testing of a product important?

Music - Can voices create more emotion through harmonies?
