5C Tolerance Class
Welcome to Tolerance Class' page.
We hope you have all enjoyed the sun over half-term and are ready for the fun-filled learning opportunities coming up in Term 6!
PE this term will be on Tuesdays and Fridays - as always we ask that PE kit is kept in school all the time so any unforeseen changes to these days won't affect your child taking part.
Please write your child's name in every piece of clothing, as this increases the chances of it being returned to its rightful owner when the inevitable, "I can't find my..." happens!
Our History this term immerses us in the world of Ancient Greece. As well as discovering hat mattered to the Hellenas in their own time, we will explore the influence they have upon our own lives today.
In English, after the exciting Poetry Slam to be held in the first week back, we will explore writing to discuss, which will include debating and unbalanced arguments.
As always, we ask that children record their home reading (whether they are reading their school book or their own) in their Reading Records and that parents sign them please. There are pages in the Reading Records for children to review their books, write down favourite words or words they don't understand and can ask about as well as space for parents to write comments if they would like to.
Teacher: Mrs Crawford
Teaching Assistant: Miss Webster
Teaching Assistant: Miss Hubbard
Homework and Spellings
Homework and spellings will be sent home every Friday. Homework is expected to be returned on the following Wednesday. Spellings shall be tested on the following Friday.
We know that many children in Year 5 read independently, however, reading out loud is a different skill to reading in their heads. We ask that children practise both! The expectation is that children read at home at least three times per week, and that an adult signs their child's Reading Record to show this has been done. Thank you for your help with this.
During Term 6, PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays. However, sometimes changes have to be made to the timetable, so we ask that PE Kit is kept in school all the time.
Thank you for your help, as always, we look forward to working with you and your child to support them to be and do their very best.