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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 5

Term 5

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and were able to enjoy the sunshine. This term the children will be studying the city of London and comparing the human and physical features from the past. They will then become Historians and explore the event of The Great Fire of London that took place in the 17th century. The children are really excited about this subject and are looking forward to identifying the causes and the impact it had on society. In science we are learning all about animals including humans, we shall be looking at what animals need to survive along with the importance of exercise and a healthy diet. 


The texts that we shall be reading this term include :'Little Beauty', 'Willy the Wimp', 'The Night Shimmy' and 'Look What I've Got'. These are all stories from the author Anthony Browne. The children will be reading these and then writing detailed character descriptions. 


In Maths this term we shall be focussing on measurement.


PE- Every Tuesday and Friday 

Please ensure all children have the suitable PE kit for both indoors and outdoors. All long hair must be tied back and earrings should be removed.



In maths this week, the children have been looking at length. They have been using rulers to measure objects to the nearest centimetres. The children have also used metre sticks to sort objects into shorter than a metre and longer than a metre.




In music, the children are learning how to play an ocarina. They have retrieved their knowledge of the different notes from last term, as well as learning new notes. The children are also looking at the 'tempo' of different songs and using the ocarina to play tunes at the correct tempo.


In computing the children have been exploring Microsoft Word and how to use it to create text. The children practised using the keyboard to type their names and the alphabet. They then looked at the space bar, back space and enter keys to see what these do.
