Term 2
Geography - tracking a river
In Geography, we have been looking at maps to track the River Thames from its source. We found it fascinating where the river began and how the landscape changed. We then used 4 and 6 grid references to discuss and identify features on the map using an OS Key.
Maths - multiplying 3 numbers
This week in Maths, we have working on multiplying 3 numbers together. We looked at times tables we knew and how that would help us answer the questions. We used concrete apparatus to help us before applying pictorial methods.
Science - Homemade instruments
In Science this week, we have been using homemade instruments and investigating how to change the volume and pitch of the instruments being played. We used a Pringle can shaker, a rubber band guitar, bendy rulers and a balloon. We realised that the harder we played the instrument, the louder it is. We realised that not all pitch can be changed but some pitch can be changed by changing the tightness or frequency of vibrations.
PE - Hockey
In Hockey this week, we focused on dribbling with the ball close to us and stopping our partner from getting the ball. We spoke about stopping the player by using our body and by moving away from our opponent. Excellent work Hope Class!
Road Safety - crossing the road
As part of Road Safety week, Mr Shortland took us out in groups to retrieve how to cross the roads. We discussed which senses we needed to use and also where is safe to cross outside our school. We all showed excellent retrieval and demonstrated that we could cross the road safely.
Science - String Telephones
This week in Science, we have been looking out how vibrations can travel through objects. We created our own string telephone and investigated whether the sound travels through tight string or slightly loose string. We then applied this knowledge to how sounds can travel through actual telephones. We really loved this lesson!
Road Safety - Lorry visit
To start Road Safety Week, we were very lucky to welcome Phil from Nene Transport who brought his lorry to discuss the importance of being seen and what it is like being a lorry driver. He was very interesting as he told us the difference stopping speeds and how a lorry takes longer to stop. We loved meeting Phil and had to get a photo with him!
Children in Need - meeting Pudsey
We were very excited to welcome a special visitor into Hope Class! Pudsey came to visit us to promote Children in Need. We will be taking part by coming in spotty non uniform and having a cake sale on the Friday. We can’t wait!
English - setting description
To support us with our setting descriptions, we designed background settings that we will publish our narratives on. We loved combining art and English together to support us in our setting description.
Sponsored Athlete - Chris Taiwah
We were incredibly lucky to spend time with Chris Tawiah who is a professional basketball player. He led us in an inspirational assembly before we took part in a fitness circuit. We loved spending time with him and have learnt a lot from him!
Anti-Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day
This week, we have started our week off by wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week. We will be carrying out a series of activities this week to learn more about bullying and how to deal with it.
This week in DT, we have been looking at food packaging and analysing whether they met their functions of preserving, containing, protecting and advertising what they were selling. We then looked at them more in depth to see how the packaging had been made and whether less could have been used to further protect the product.
Science - Sound
In Science this term, we are investigating sound. Our first lesson saw us look into how important vibrations are in making sound. We really enjoyed hitting the drum with rice on top to see the vibrations making the drum move. We also used a tuning fork to show vibrations by hitting it on the table and then putting it quickly into a bowl of water to see the ripples of the water. We also experimented with twanging a ruler to hear the sound and vibrations as well as hitting a coat hanger up against an object with string attached and our fingers in our ears to feel the vibrations.

English - apostrophes
One of our SPAG skill lessons saw us discussing the use of apostrophes to show possession but also for us to show plural as well. We retrieved the use of an apostrophe and how that changes the word together before composing sentences together using apostrophes.
PE - Yoga
This term in PE, one of our units is Yoga. This is an important topic to cover in PE, as it allows us to look after our mental health as well as our physical health through breathing and exercising. We really enjoyed working together to make poses and sustain them whilst breathing.