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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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Get in Touch

St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

RK Joy Class

Miss Kelly (Class Teacher) 

Miss Lucas (Teaching Assistant)



Welcome to St Thomas' CE Primary Academy!  It has been an absolute pleasure to meet each and every one of you and your families. 


On this web page you will be able to see some of the exciting things we take part in through our learning, it will also have any important information which you may need to know.

We shall be having PE weekly so please ensure your child's  PE kit is in school each week. Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery is to be worn.


Reading books will be going home each night with your child, we ask that you read with your child and then sign or write a comment in their reading diary, so that we can change the book frequently.


To keep up to date with all of our achievements and celebrations you can follow us on Twitter:





You can also contact Miss Kelly using the `Contact me` form below or by emailing




Contact Miss Kelly
